CITY of RAPID CITY Agenda Item Summary |
Meeting Date: 4/1/2013 |
PW Committee: 1st Reading 3/26/2013 |
Staff Contact: Dale Tech |
L&F Committee: 2nd Reading 4/10/2013 |
Petitioner: |
City Council 1st Reading: 4/1/2013 |
Location: Rapid City |
City Council 2nd Reading: 4/15/2013 |
Agenda Title: |
No. PW032613-04 - Introduction and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 5922 Revising the Flood Area Construction Regulations by Revising Chapter 15.32 of the Rapid City Municipal Code. |
Summary: |
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for Pennington County, including Rapid City. The new maps will become effective on June 3, 2013. The City of Rapid City currently participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In order for residents of Rapid City to receive flood insurance for a Federally Backed Loan, participation of the City in this program is required by FEMA. Continued participation in the NFIP will require the City to 1) adopt, by Ordinance, the new maps effective June 3, 2013 and 2) enforce floodplain management measures in accordance with Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations Section 60.3 (d). Revised Chapter 15.32 meets the requirements necessary for the City to continue to participate in the NFIP. |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable): |
Recommendation: |
Action: Approve Notes: 3/26/13 Public Works approved First Reading; 4/1/13 Council approved First Reading |
Options: |
Attachments & Links: |
A Resolution Establishing A Rapid Creek Floodplain Policy (7/7/08) |
Update on Implementation of the Floodplain Development Policy Committee Recommendations (7/14/09) |
Floodplain Area Maps | Remembrance & Renewal reference | ||