Contract between CRW Inc. and the City of Rapid City for the Building Permit Software in the amount of $158,000. Funds for this contract include $150,000 from the Information Technology line item of the Capital Improvements Program and $8,000 from Pennington County Planning and Zoning.

The Legal and Finance Committee recommended that the Mayor and Finance Officer be authorized to sign the contract between CRW Inc. and the City of Rapid City for the Building Permit Software in the amount of $158,000. Funds for this contract include $150,000 from the Information Technology line item of the Capital Improvements Program and $8,000 from Pennington County Planning and Zoning.

Staff recommends that the Mayor and Finance Officer be authroized to sign the contract between CRW Inc. and the City of Rapid City for the Building Permit Software in the amount of $158,000. Funds for this contract include $150,000 from the Information Technology line item of the Capital Improvements Program and $8,000 from Pennington County Planning and Zoning.