No. 11SV002 - Mahoney Addition

A request by D.C. Scott Co. Land Surveyors for Northern Development, LLC to consider an application for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to increase the existing pavement width from 24 feet to 27 feet along Lindbergh Avenue and Patton Street as they abut the property pursuant to Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Muncipal Code for proposed Lot A, Lot B and Lot C of Block 11 and Lot A, Lot B, and Lot C of Block 22 of Mahoney Addition, legally described as Block 11 and Block 22 of the amended plat of Mahoney Addition, located in the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 25, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located east of Wood Avenue bewteen Lindbergh Avenue and Patton Street.

Planning Commission recommended that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to increase the existing pavement width from 24 feet to 27 feet along Lindbergh Avenue and Patton Street as they abut the property pursuant to Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Muncipal Code be approved with the following stipulation:


Prior to City Council approval, the applicant shall sign a waiver of right to protest any future assessment for the improvement.

VOTE: (8 to 0 with Braun, Brewer, Christianson, Gregg, Landguth, Marchand, Rippentrop, and Rolinger voting yes and none voting no)