No. 10SE001 - Rapid City Greenway Tract

A request by City of Rapid City for Mark Olson and Leonard Novak for the Black Hills Farmers Market to consider an application for a Special Exception to the Flood Area Construction Regulations on Tract 17 less Lot H1 (also in Section 34, T2N, R7E) of the Rapid City Greenway Tract, Section 35, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 1520 West Omaha.

Planning Commission recommended that the Special Exception to the Flood Area Construction Regulations to allow temporary structures in the floodplain be approved for a two year period with the following stipulations:


That the event will be stopped and the structures removed if ordered by the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Mayor, Emergency Management Director or the Public Works Director; and,


That the structures for the event be removed that evening after the event has ceased.

VOTE: (9 to 0 with Braun, Brewer, Brown, Gregg, Kinniburgh, Landguth, Marchand, Rolinger and Scull voting yes and none voting no)