No. 08RZ034(B) - Villaggio at Golden Eagle

A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for Roy Burr to consider an application for a Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Low Density Residential District on a portion of the W½ of the NW¼ of the SE¼, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, More fully described as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly corner of Lot 7 of Block 2 of The Villaggio at Golden Eagle, common to a point on the southerly boundary of Lot 1R of Tract B of Springbrook Acres, intersecting a 1/64 section line of said Section 22, and the Point of Beginning; Thence, first course: S00º04’39”E, along the westerly boundary of said Lot 7 of Block 2, common to a 1/64 section line of said Section 22, a distance of 112.55 feet, to an interior 1/64 section corner of Section 22, common to an angle point on the westerly boundary of said Lot 7 of Block 2; Thence, second course: S00º08’13”E, along the westerly boundary of said Lot 7 of Block 2, common to a 1/64 section line of said Section 22, a distance of 19.96 feet, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 7 of Block 2, common to the northwesterly corner of Lot 6 of Block 2 of The Villaggio at Golden Eagle; Thence, third course: S00º08’13”E, along the westerly boundary of said Lot 6 of Block 2, common to a 1/64 section line of said Section 22, a distance of 104.33 feet, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 6 of Block 2, common to the northwesterly corner of Lot 5 of Block 2 of The Villaggio at Golden Eagle; Thence, fourth course: S00º08’13”E, along the westerly boundary of said Lot 5 of Block 2, common to a 1/64 section line of said Section 22, a distance of 95.12 feet, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 5 of Block 2, common to an angle point on the northerly boundary of Lot 4R of Block 2 of The Villaggio at Golden Eagle; Thence, fifth course: S61º38’29”W, along the northwesterly boundary of said Lot 4R of Block 2, a distance of 200.00 feet, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 4R of Block 2, common to the northwesterly corner of Lot 3R of Block 2 of The Villaggio at Golden Eagle; Thence, sixth course: S26º45’22”E, along the westerly boundary of said Lot 3R of Block 2, a distance of 106.66 feet, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 3R of Block 2, common to the northwesterly corner of Lot 2R of Block 2 of The Villaggio at Golden Eagle; Thence, seventh course: S26º45’22”E, along the westerly boundary of said Lot 2R of Block 2, a distance of 34.44 feet to a point on the westerly boundary of said Lot 2R of Block 2; Thence, eighth course: S89º51’47”W, a distance of 237.22 feet; Thence, ninth course: N00º08’13”W, a distance of 441.23 feet, to a point on a 1/64 section line of said Section 22; Thence, tenth course: N50º09’55”E, a distance of 243.07 feet, to a point on the southerly boundary of Lot 1R of Tract B of Springbrook Acres; Thence, eleventh course: S56º59’57”E, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 1R of Tract B of Springbrook Acres, a distance of 91.30 feet, to an angle point on the southerly boundary of said Lot 1R of Tract B of Springbrook Acres; Thence, twelfth course: N85º50’49”E, along the southerly boundary of said Lot 1R of Tract B of Springbrook Acres, a distance of 87.08 feet, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 7 of Block 2 of The Villaggio at Golden Eagle, common to a point on the southerly boundary of said Lot 1R of Tract B of Springbrook Acres, intersecting a 1/64 section line of said Section 22, and the Point of Beginning, more generally described as being located north of Catron Boulevard and west of Golden Eagle Drive.

Planning Commission
recommended that the Rezoning request from General Agriculture District to Low Density Residential District be approved with the following stipulation:


Prior to City Council approval, a Planned Development Designation shall be approved.

VOTE: (8 to 0 with Anderson, Brewer, Brown, Gregg, Landguth, Marchand, Scull and Waltman voting yes and none voting no)