No. 07PD020 - Riverside Addition

An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision on a request by ARC International, Inc. for First Western Condominium Association to consider an application for a Major Amendment to a Planned Commercial Development on Tract A of Block 4 of Riverside Addition located in SE1/4 of SE1/4, Section 35, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 333 West Boulevard.

Planning Commission recommended to approve the Major Amendment to a Planned Commercial Development with the following stipulations:


That the landscaping plan be revised to eliminate the concrete pad at the northeast corner of the site and replace the concrete pad with plant material and submit for review and approval by the Growth Management Director prior to issuance of all building permits;


A minimum of 228 parking spaces shall be provided. In addition, seven of the parking spaces shall be handicap accessible spaces. One of the handicap spaces shall be “van” accessible. In addition, 15 stacking lanes shall be provided for the bank teller drive through windows. All provisions of the Off-Street Parking Ordinance shall be continually met;


The proposed commercial structure shall be used as a bank, retail sales, professional and business offices, medical facilities, a commercial coffee kiosk and storage. Any other use shall require a Major Amendment to the Planned Commercial Development;


A building permit shall be obtained prior to any construction and a Certificate of Occupancy shall be obtained prior to occupancy;


An Industrial Pre-treatment Permit shall be obtained as needed prior to issuance of a building permit;


All Uniform Fire Codes shall be met;


The structure(s) shall continue to conform architecturally to the plans and elevations and color palette submitted as part of the original Planned Commercial Development Plan (#04PD047);


All signage shall conform to the design, color and location as shown in the approved sign package submitted as a part of the Major Amendment to the Planned Commercial Development (#05PD063);


All provisions of the General Commercial District shall be met unless otherwise specifically authorized as a stipulation of this Major Amendment to the Planned Commercial Development or a subsequent Major Amendment; and,


The Planned Commercial Development shall expire if the use is not undertaken and completed within two years of the date of approval by the Planning Commission, or if the use as approved has ceased for a period of two years.

VOTE: (6 to 3 with Anderson, Brewer, Brown, Derby, Gregg and Hennies voting yes and Collins, Fast Wolf and LeMay voting no)