No. 05VE009 - Sheridan Heights Subdivision
A request by Thurston Design Group, LLC for Pennington County Housing & Redevelopment Commission to consider an application for a Vacation of Utility and Drainage Easement on Lot 7, Block 2, Sheridan Heights Subdivision, located in the NE1/4 SW1/4, Section 10, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 2601 Castle Heights Place.

Public Works Committee recommended approval with stipulations.

Staff recommends
that the Vacation of Utility and Drainage Easement be approved with the following stipulations:

Prior to Public Works Committee approval, a revised Exhibit “A” shall be submitted showing an accurate scale;
Prior to Public Works Committee approval, the applicant shall submit a site plan showing the proposed structure on the document;
Prior to Public Works Committee approval, the applicant shall submit a revised Exhibit “A” showing only that portion of the easement to be encroached upon to be vacated. In addition the revised exhibit shall identify the dimensions of the area to be vacated and the distance of the vacated area from the property corners;
Prior to Public Works Committee approval, the applicant shall submit an evaluation of the site drainage showing what impact, if any, the proposed vacation will have on the drainage of the subject property. In addition, the applicant shall identify what measures will be taken to mitigate any drainage issues; and,
Prior to Public Works Committee approval, written documentation from U.S. West Communications shall be submitted, stating they have no objection to vacating a portion of the existing drainage and utility easement.