No. 04PL191 - Potts Subdivision
A request by Fisk Land Survey & Consulting Engineers for Donald Potts to consider an application for a Preliminary Plat on Lot 1 and Lot 2, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, legally described as SW1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4; SE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 less Lot H1, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 6105 Covenant Drive.

Staff recommends that the Preliminary Plat be continued to the April 18, 2005 City Council meeting to allow the applicant to submit additional information.

Planning Commission recommended that the Preliminary Plat be approved with the following stipulations:

Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, a cost estimate for the subdivision improvements shall be submitted for review and approval;
Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, drainage calculations consistent with the Arrowhead Drainage Basin Plan shall be submitted for review and approval;
Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, if individual on-site wastewater systems are proposed, then an on-site wastewater plan prepared by a Professional Engineer demonstrating that the soils are suitable for on-site wastewater systems shall be submitted for review and approval;
Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, if a shared well and/or a community water facility is proposed than it shall be designed as a public water system or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained. In addition, the plat document shall be revised to show utility easement(s) as needed;
Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, supplemental tap fees shall be paid;
Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the section line highway shall be constructed to City Street Design Standards or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained or the section line highway shall be vacated. The adjacent property owner shall sign the petition to vacate the section line highway or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained to allow half a right-of-way;
Prior to submittal of the Final Plat application, a note shall be placed on the plat document stating that “a reserve drainfield area shall be identified upon submittal of a building permit”;
Upon submittal of a Final Plat application, a Road Maintenance Agreement for the Future Right-of-way Easement, Covenant Drive shall be submitted for review and approval;
Upon submittal of a Final Plat application, surety for any required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall be posted and the subdivision inspection fees shall be paid; and,
Upon submittal of a Final Plat application, the property shall be rezoned to allow the minimum lot size requested or a zoning variance shall be obtained.  

VOTE: (7-0 with Anderson, Brown, Fast Wolf, Hadcock, Lemay, Prairie Chicken and Schmidt all voting yes and none voting no)