No. 04PL192 - Fairway Hills Subdivision
A request by Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Engineers to consider an application for a Preliminary Plat on a tract of land located in the N½ SW¼ and in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 15, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more fully described as follows: beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 29R of Fairway Hills P.R.D., as shown on the plat filed on February 17, 1984 and recorded in Plat Book 19 on Page 124, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 3095;Thence, South 73 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds East, more or less, a distance of 4.84 feet more or less, to a point along the westerly edge of Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way, as shown on the plat filed on March 10, 1986 and recorded in Plat Book 20 on Page 224, said corner being marked by a rebar wigh surve cap number 6565; Thence, southerly and along the westerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way, S16º50'14'W, more or less, a distance of 160.90 feet, more or less to a point of curvature along said right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; thence, continuing along the westerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way and curving to the right on a curve with a radius of 96.87 feet, a delta of 17º55'27", an arc length of 30.30 feet, a chord bearing of S25º58'25"W, more or less, and a chord distance of 30.18 feet, more or less, to a point of tangent on the westerly edge of said right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, continuing along the westerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way, S34º46'00" W, more or less, a distance of 496.97 feet, more or less to a point of curvature on said right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, continuing along the northwesterly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way and curving to the right on a curve with a radius of 151.11 feet, a delta of 91º35'13", an arc length of 241.55 feet, a chord bearing of S80º36'45" W, more or less, and a chord distance of 216.64 feet, more or less, to a point of tangent along said right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, continuing along the northerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way, N53º37'38", W more or less, a distance of 69.36 feet, more or less, to a point of curvature along said right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, continuing along the northerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way and curving to the left on a curve with a radius of 230.00 feet, a delta of 4º41'57", an arc length of 18.86 feet, a chord bearing of  N56º09'17" W, more or less, and a chord distance of 18.86 feet, more or less, to a point on the northerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, continuing along the northerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way, as shown on the plat filed September 22, 2004 and recorded in Plat Book 32 on page 94, and curving to the left on a curve with a radius of 230.00 feet, a delta of 16º30'34", an arc length of 66.27 feet, a chord bearing of N66º39'30" W, more or less, and a chord distance of 66.04 feet, more or less, to a point on the northerly edge of said Fairway Hills Drive right-of-way, said point also being the southeast corner of Lot 16 of Block 10 of Fairway Hills PRD, as shown on the aforementioned plat, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, northeasterly along the easterly line of said Lot 16 in Block 10 of Fairway Hills PRD, N14º38'21" E, more or less, a distance of 102.58 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of said Lot 16, said corner being coincident with the southeast corner of Lot 15 of Block 10 of Fairway Hills PRD, and said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, northeasterly along the easterly lot line of said Lot 15 in Block 10 of Fairway Hills PRD, N14º38'21" E, more or less, a distance of 83.44 feet, more or less, to a point on the easterly lot line of said Lot 15, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, northwesterly along the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 15 in Block 10 of Fairway Hills PRD, N25º09'50" W, more or less, a distance of 132.38 feet, more or less, to the northerly corner of said Lot 15, said corner being coincident with the northeast corner of Lot 14 of Block 10 of Fairway Hills PRD, and also coincident with the southeast corner of Lot 3B of Fairway Hills PRD, as shown on the plat filed July 9, 1980 and filed in Plat Book 17, Page 189, and also coincident with the westerly lot line of Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, as shown on the plat filed November 21, 1979 and recorded in Plat Book 17, on Page 132, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 1019; Thence, northeasterly along the easterly lot line of said Lot 3B of Fairway Hills PRD, and the westerly line of said Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, N17º55'58" E, more or less, a distance of 191.15 feet, more or less, to a point on the easterly lot line of said Lot 3B and the westerly lot line of said Lot 3A, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, northwesterly along the easterly lot line of said Lot 3B of Fairway Hills PRD, and the westerly line of said Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, N20º01'18" W, more or less, a distance of 326.69 feet, more or less, to a point on the easterly lot line of said Lot 3B and the westerly lot line of said Lot 3A, said point being coincident with the southwest corner of Lot H1 of Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, as shown on the plat filed on August 30, 1991 and recorded in Book 8 of Highway Plats on Page 39, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, northeasterly along the southerly line of said Lot H1 of Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, N57º02'43" E, more or less, a distance of 77.75 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of said Lot H1 of Lot 3A, said point also being located on the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, and also on the southwesterly line of Lot 2 of Fairway Hills PRD, as shown on the plat filed on November 30, 1977 and recorded in Plat Book 15 of Page 215, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 6565; Thence, southeasterly along the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, and along the southwesterly line of said Lot 2 of Fairway Hills PRD, S22º24'27" E, more or less, a distance of 100.94 feet, more or less, to a point on the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 3A and the southwesterly line of said Lot 2, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 3095; Thence, southeasterly along the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, and along the southwesterly line of said Lot 2 of Fairway Hills PRD, S40º29'56" E, more or less, a distance of 133.62 feet, more or less, to a point on the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 3A and the southwesterly line of said Lot 2, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 1019; Thence, southeasterly along the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, and along the southerly line of said Lot 2 of Fairway Hills PRD, S76º54'53" E, more or less, a distance of 221.11 feet, more or less, to a point on the northeasterly lot line of said Lot 3A, said point being coincident with the southeast corner of said Lot 2 of Fairway Hills PRD, and also coincident with the westerly line of Lot 30 of Fairway Hills PRD, as shown on the plat filed February 17, 1984 and recorded in Plat Book 19 on Page 124, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 1019; Thence, southerly along the easterly line of said Lot 3A of Fairway Hills PRD, and along the westerly line of said Lot 30 of Fairway Hills PRD, S08º05'24" E, more or less, a distance of 102.89 feet, more or less, to a point on the easterly line of said Lot 3A, said point being coincident with the southwest corner of said Lot 30, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 3095; Thence, northeasterly along the southerly line of said Lot 30 of Fairway Hills PRD, N76º46'01" E, more or less, a distance of 105.59 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of said Lot 30, said corner also being coincident with the southwesterly corner of Lot 29R of Fairway Hills PRD, as shown on the plat filed February 17, 1984 and filed in Plat Book 19 and Page 124, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap number 3095; Thence, easterly along the southerly lot line of said Lot 29R of Fairway Hills PRD, N76º42'20" E, more or less, a distance of 161.03 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly lot line of said Lot 29R, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap 3095; Thence, easterly along the southerly lot line of said Lot 29R of Fairway Hills PRD, N87º22'22" E, more or less, a distance of 66.97 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.  Said tract of land contains 8.00 acres, more or less, more generally described as being located south of Fairway Hills Drive and Sheridan Lake Road

Staff recommends that the Preliminary Plat be continued to the February 7, 2005 City Council meeting as the stipulations of approval have not been met.

Planning Commission recommended that the Preliminary Plat be approved with the following stipulations:

Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, water plans shall be submitted for review and approval. In particular, the plans shall show domestic service from the eight inch high pressure water main located in Fairway Hills Drive and fire hydrant service connections to the 16 inch low pressure water main located west of the subject property;
Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for future off-site high pressure water main improvements in exchange for being able to connect to the existing eight inch high pressure water main located in Fairway Hills Drive;
Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, a subdivision cost estimate shall be submitted for review and approval; and,
Upon submittal of the Final Plat application, surety for any required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall be posted and the subdivision inspection fees shall be paid.

VOTE: (7-0 with Anderson , Brown, Fast Wolf, Hadcock, Lemay , Prairie Chicken and Schmidt all voting yes and none voting no)