recommends that the Preliminary and Final Plat be continued to the
January 3, 2005 City Council meeting as the stipulations of approval
have not been met.
Planning Commission recommended that the Preliminary and Final
Plat be approved with the following stipulations:
Engineering Division Recommendations:
1. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the plat document
shall be revised to show a 40 foot wide drainage easement along the
north lot line. In addition, the plat document shall be revised to
show the existing billboard easement located in the northern portion
of the subject property;
2. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the Planning Commission the
construction plans shall be revised as shown on the red lined drawings
and returned for review and approval. In addition, the plat document
shall be revised to show a 20 foot wide utility easement for the water
and sewer service lines located on Lot 2 that serve Lot 1;
3. A Special Exception to the Street Design Criteria Manual is hereby
granted to reduce the separation from the approach along Knollwood
Drive to the Maple Avenue/Knollwood Drive intersection from 50 feet
to 40 feet;
4. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the plat document
shall be revised to show a shared approach to the two lots along Maple
5. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the plat shall
be revised to identify the right of way widths for these streets;
6. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, a subdivision
estimate form shall be submitted for review and approval;
Register of Deed's Office Recommendation:
7. Final Plat approval by the City Council, a new subdivision name
shall be submitted for review and approval;
Urban Planning Division Recommendations:
8. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, surety for any
required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall
be posted and the subdivision inspection fees shall be paid.
VOTE: (10 to 0 with Brannan, Brown, Fast Wolf,
Henning, Hoffmann, Nash, Prairie Chicken, Schmidt, Stone and Wevik
voting yes and none voting no)