No. 04RZ038 - Medicine Ridge Subdivision No. 2, Tower Ridge Subdivision and Section 23, T1N, R7E
A request by Fisk Land Surveying and Consulting Engineers for the Good Samaritan Society to consider an application for a Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Medium Density Residential District on a parcel of land located in the West One-Half (W ½) of Section Twenty Three (23) of Township One North (T1N), Range Seven East (R7E) of the Black Hills Meridian (BHM), Pennington County, South Dakota, including all of Tract D of Medicine Ridge No. 2 (as shown on the plat recorded on September 24, 1976 and filed in Plat Book 14 on Page 227), all of Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision (as shown on the plat recorded on May 14, 1984 and filed in Plat Book 19 on Page 159), all of Tracts F and G located in the Northeast One Quarter of the Southwest One Quarter (NE ¼ SW ¼) and Southeast One Quarter of the Northwest One Quarter (SE ¼ NW ¼) of said Section 23, T1N, R7E, BHM (as shown on the plat recorded on September 22, 1970 and filed in Plat Book 11 on Page 59), and a portions of vacated right-of-way adjoining said lots, more fully described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision in said Section 23, T1N, R7E, BHM, said corner being marked by a rebar, thence, South 00 degrees 12 minutes 34 seconds East (more or less) along the easterly line of said Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision (said line being coincident with the westerly line of Lot 1 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision, also located in Section 23, T1N, R7E, BHM and as shown on the plat recorded on November 2, 1977 and filed in Plat Book 15 on Page 197), a distance of 178.24 feet (more or less) to the southeast corner of said Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision, said corner being coincident with the northeast corner of previously described Tract F, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 1771”; thence, South 00 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds East (more or less) along the easterly line of said Tract F (said line being coincident with the westerly line of previously described Lot 1 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision), a distance of 121.75 feet (more or less) to the southwest corner of said Lot 1 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision, said corner being marked by a rebar; thence, South 00 degrees 10 minutes 15 seconds East (more or less) along the easterly line of said Tract F and previously described Tract G (said line being coincident with the westerly line of previously described Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision), a distance of 279.96 feet (more or less) to the southwest corner of said Lot 2 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision, said corner being coincident with the northwest corner of Lot 3 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision and said corner being marked by a rebar; thence, South 00 degrees 11 minutes 01 seconds East (more or less) along the easterly line of said Tract G (said line being coincident with the westerly line of previously described Lot 3 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision), a distance of 124.70 feet (more or less) to the southwest corner of said Lot 3 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision, said corner being coincident with the northwest corner of Lot 5 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision and said corner being marked by a rebar; thence, South 00 degrees 15 minutes 44 seconds East (more or less) along the easterly line of said Tract G (said line being coincident with the westerly line of previously described Lot 5 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision), a distance of 213.66 feet (more or less) to the southwest corner of said Lot 5 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision, said corner being coincident with the northwest corner of Lot 6 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision and said corner being marked by a rebar; thence, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 16 seconds East (more or less) along the easterly line of said Tract G (said line being coincident with the westerly line of previously described Lot 6 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision) a distance of 331.28 feet (more or less) to the southwest corner of said Lot 6 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision, said corner being coincident with the northwest corner of Lot 7 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision and said corner being marked by a rebar; thence, South 01 degrees 03 minutes 11 seconds East (more or less) along the easterly line of said Tract G (said line being coincident with the westerly line of previously described Lot 7 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision) a distance of 64.35 feet (more or less) to the southeast corner of said Tract G, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 1019”; thence, South 89 degrees 56 minutes 34 seconds West (more or less) along the southerly line of said Tract G, a distance of 481.92 feet (more or less) to the southwest corner of said Tract G, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 1019”; thence, North 00 degrees 17 minutes 07 seconds West (more or less) along the westerly line of said Tract G, a distance of 450.68 feet (more or less) to the southeast corner of previously described Tract D of Medicine Ridge No. 2, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 1019”; thence, South 89 degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds West (more or less) along the southerly line of said Tract D of Medicine Ridge No. 2, a distance of 455.58 feet (more or less) to the southwest corner of said Tract D of Medicine Ridge No. 2, said corner being coincident with the southeast corner of Tract E of Medicine Ridge No. 2 and said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 1019”;thence, North 07 degrees 27 minutes 38 seconds East (more or less) along the westerly line of said Tract D of Medicine Ridge No. 2 (said line being coincident with the easterly line of said Tract E of Medicine Ridge No. 2) a distance of 911.90 feet (more or less) to the northwest corner of said Tract D of Medicine Ridge No. 2, said corner being coincident with the northeast corner of Said Tract E of Medicine Ridge No. 2 and said corner being marked by a spike; thence, North 07 degrees 18 minutes 46 seconds East (more or less) a distance of 34.93 feet (more or less) to a point along the center line of Plains Vista Court right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 6565”;thence, South 82 degrees 45 minutes 38 seconds East (more of less) a distance of 25.49 feet (more or less) to a point along the center line of Plains Vista Court right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 6565”; thence; curving to the left along a curve with a radius of 1000.76 feet, a delta of 7 degrees 13 minutes 45 seconds, a length of 126.27 feet (more or less) and a chord bearing of South 86 degrees 32 minutes 17 seconds East and a chord distance of 126.18 feet (more or less) to a point along the center line of Plains Vista Court right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 6565”; thence, North 89 degrees 59 minutes 18 seconds East (more or less) a distance of 165.32 feet (more or less) to a point along the centerline of Plains Vista Court right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 6565”; thence, curving to the right on a curve with a radius of 150.15 feet, a delta of 39 degrees 33 minutes 47 seconds, a length of 103.68 feet (more or less), a chord bearing of South 70 degrees 11 minutes 15 seconds East and a chord distance of 101.63 feet (more or less) to a point along the centerline of Plains Vista Court right-of-way, said point being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 6565”; thence, North 39 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds East (more or less) a distance of 35.55 feet (more or less) to a northwesterly corner of previously described Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision, said corner being marked by a rebar; thence, North 38 degrees 23 minutes 24 seconds East (more or less) along the westerly line of said Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision, a distance of 12.77 feet (more or less) to the northwest corner of said Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision, said corner being marked by a rebar with survey cap marked “LS 1771”; thence, along the northerly line of said Lot 3 of Tower Ridge Subdivision, and curving to the left along of curve with a radius of 382.75 feet, a delta of 59 degrees 01 minutes 11 seconds, a length of 394.27 feet (more or less), a chord bearing of South 79 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East (more or less) and a chord distance of 377.06 feet (more or less) to the point of beginning. Said tract of land contains 23.11 acres more or less, more generally described as being located at 5440 Plains Vista Court.

Staff recommends that the Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Medium Density Residential District be denied without prejudice at the applicant's request.

Planning Commission recommended that the Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Medium Density Residential District be approved

VOTE: (7 to 0 with Anderson, Hadcock, Lemay, Nash, Prairie Chicken, Rodriguez and Schmidt voting yes and with none voting no)