No. 04CA030 - Waterslide Addition
A request by Dream Design International to consider an application for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to relocate a Collector Street on the Major Street Plan from the SE1/4 NW1/4 and the SW1/4 of Section 25, T1N, R7E to a right-of-way 76.00 feet in width with the centerline described as follows: commencing at the found corner stamped R.L.S. No. 4208 of the center ¼ of Section 26, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; thence N55º50'19”W along a non-visual line, 963.91 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S20º01'45”E 210.75 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 526.00 feet, included angle of 21º19'54”, and a curve length of 195.83 feet; thence S01º18'09”W 1450.65 feet; said parcel containing 3.24 acres more or less all located in Section 26, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota , more generally described as being located east of South Highway 16 and south of U.S. Higway 16B (Catron Boulevard).

Planning Commission recommended that the Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to relocate a Collector Street on the Major Street Plan be continued to the November 1, 2004 City Council meeting to allow the applicant an opportunity to work with the adjacent property owner to the south to develop a continuous north/south collector route.

VOTE: (9 to 0 with Anderson , Brown, Fast Wolf, Hadcock, Lemay, Nash, Prairie Chicken, Rodriguez and Schmidt voting yes and with none voting no)