recommends that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations be continued
to the June 7, 2004 City Council meeting as the stipulations of approval
have not been met.
Planning Commission recommended
that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement
to install curb, gutter and sidewalk, street light conduit, water,
sewer and pavement be approved with the following stipulations:
1. Upon submittal of a Preliminary
Plat, the plat document shall be revised to show the dedication of
five additional feet of right-of-way along Skyline Drive; and,
2. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall sign a waiver of right to protest any future assessments for
the improvements.
Vote: (7
to 0 Brown, Fast Wolf, Henning, Hoffmann, Nash, Prairie Chicken and
Stone voting yes and none voting no)