04RZ022 - Skyline Pines East Subdivision
A request by Wyss Associates, Inc.
for Web Real Estate Holdings Company, LLC to consider an application
for a Rezoning
from Low Density Residential District to Low Density Residential II
District on property described
by metes and bounds as commencing at the SW corner of the NW ¼ of the
SE 1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, point also the Point of Beginning;
travel 918.99 feet at a bearing N00º21'00" East to a point; thence
travel 225.24 feet at a bearing S41º05’15" East to a point; thence
travel 110.01 feet at a bearing N35º36'28" East to a point; thence
travel 100.98 feet at a bearing N69º46'53" East to a point; thence
travel 122.49 feet at a bearing N87º48'19" East to a point; thence
travel 74.12 feet at a bearing S52º32'01" East to a point; thence
travel 126.16 feet at a bearing S73º30'07" East to a point; thence
travel 237.48 feet at a bearing S61º30'24" East to a point; thence
travel 174.01 feet at a bearing N90º00'00" East to a point; thence
travel 129.48 feet at a bearing S30º35'10" East to a point; thence
travel 117.84 feet at a bearing S07º03'57” East to a point; thence travel
120.73 feet at a bearing S24º43'12" West to a point; thence travel
216.00 feet at a bearing S67º49'27" West to a point; thence travel
387.50 feet at a bearing S45º54'33" West to a point; thence travel
548.94 feet at a bearing N89º27'22" West to the point of beginning;
said parcel contains approximately 16.55 acres more or less,
more generally described as being located west of the western terminus of Fairmont Boulevard and
north of Tower Road.