No. 04SV013 - Calvary Lutheran Church Subdivision
A request by Ferber Engineering Co. for Calvary Lutheran Church to consider an application for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to construct sidewalks on both sides of the street and to dedicate additional right-of-way as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code on Lots 1 and 2 of Calvary Lutheran Church Subdivision and dedicated public right-of-way for Sunshine Trail and Sheridan Lake Road located in the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 21, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, legally described as Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 21, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located north of Catron Boulevard along Sheridan Lake Road.

Planning Commission recommended that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to dedicate additional right-of-way be approved and that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to construct sidewalks on both sides of the street be approved with the following stipulations:

1. That a sidewalk be provided along the south side of Sunshine Trail; and,
2. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant shall sign a waiver of right to protest any future assessments for the improvement.

Vote: (9 to 0 with Brannan, Brown, Henning, Hoffmann, Nash, Prairie Chicken, Schmidt, Stone and Wevik voting yes and none voting no)