recommends that the Layout, Preliminary and Final Plat be continued
to the February 2, 2004 City Council meeting as the stipulations of
approval have not been met.
Planning Commission recommended that the Layout, Preliminary and
Final Plat be approved with the following stipulations:
Division Recommendations:
1. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall provide documentation regarding the suitability of the proposed
lots for on-site waste water facilities. A site plan shall be provided
identifying the location of all wells and private waste water disposal
systems on the subject property and within one hundred fifty feet
of the property, and the location of the proposed on-site waste water
2. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall submit documentation demonstrating that drainage from the proposed
development will not adversely affect downstream properties;
3. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall submit documentation identifying access to proposed Lot C utilizing
existing right of way located adjacent to the private roadway easement;
Department Recommendations:
4. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall provide a Wildland Fuels Mitigation Plan for review and approval;
Planning Division Recommendations:
5. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall demonstrate that the owner signature certificate on the plat
is correct;
6. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall provide complete engineering plans for dry sewer, curb and gutter,
street light conduit, and sidewalks along Corral Drive, or obtain
a Subdivision Regulations Variance to waive the required improvements;
7. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall provide complete engineering plans for paving, water, dry sewer,
curb and gutter, street light conduit, and sidewalks for the section
line highway abutting proposed Lots C and D, obtain a Subdivision
Regulations Variance to waive the required improvements, or vacate
this segment of the section line highway;
8. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, a subdivision
estimate form shall be submitted for review and approval; and,
9. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, surety for any
required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall
be posted and the subdivision inspection fee shall be paid.
Vote: (8
to 0 with Fast Wolf, Hoffmann, Mashek, Mickelson,
Prairie Chicken, Schmidt, Stone and Wall voting yes and none voting