recommends that the Final Plat be continued to the July 21, 2003 City
Council meeting at the applicant's request.
Planning Commission recommended that the Final Plat be approved
with the following stipulations:
Engineering Division Recommendations:
1. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, Seger Drive and
Dyess Avenue shall be improved to minor arterial road standards or
a waiver of right to protest any future assessment on the subject
property shall be signed;
2. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the applicant
shall pay the $22,143.55 supplemental tap fee applicable to the subject
property as related to the City project for the Dyess Avenue Water
Main Extension (Project #845);
Urban Planning Division Recommendations:
3. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, surety for any
required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall
be posted and the subdivision inspection fee shall be paid.
Vote: (9
to 0 with Fast Wolf, Hoffmann, Mashek, Mickelson, Prairie Chicken,
Schmidt, Stone, Wall and Wevik voting yes and none voting no)