
No. 03PL033 - Section 4, T1S, R8E
A request by Lyle and Bernadette Johnson to consider an application for a Layout Plat on Lot B of Lazy A Subdivision, Section 4, T1S, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, legally described as S1/2 S1/2; N1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4; SE1/4 NW1/4 SW1/4, Section 4, T1S, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located 2.25 miles south of Rapid City on South Highway 79.

Planning Commission recommended that the Layout Plat be approved with the following stipulations:

Engineering Division Recommendations:
1. Upon submittal of a Preliminary Plat, sewer plans prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer showing the extension of sanitary sewer mains and service lines shall be submitted for review and approval or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained. In addition, the plat document shall be revised to show a drainfield easement for the existing drainfield and a reserve drainfield easement for the future location of a replacement drainfield;
2. Upon submittal of a Preliminary Plat, water plans prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer showing the extension of water mains shall be submitted for review and approval or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be submitted for review and approval. If the existing on-site well continues to serve as the water source for the proposed lot, then the applicant shall demonstrate that the well provides adequate domestic water flows;
3. Upon submittal of a Preliminary Plat, complete engineering plans as specified in Section 16.20.040 of the Rapid City Municipal Code shall be submitted for review and approval. In particular, complete street design plans shall be submitted showing the location of utilities, storm drainage, curb, gutter, street light conduit, sidewalk and pavement improvements for all adjacent roadways;
4. Upon submittal of a Preliminary Plat, a complete drainage plan shall be submitted for review and approval. In addition, the plat document shall be revised to show drainage easements as needed;
5. Upon submittal of a Preliminary Plat, road construction plans for the access easement located along the north lot line shall be submitted for review and approval. In particular, the forty foot wide access easement shall be revised to provide a minimum access width of 45 feet as required by the Street Design Criteria Manual. In addition, the road shall be constructed as a lane/place road with curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water and sewer or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained;
6. Upon submittal of a Preliminary Plat, the applicant shall demonstrate legal access to the unplatted balance located south of the subject property. If an access easement is to be granted across the proposed lot, then complete road construction plans for the access easement shall be submitted upon submittal of the Preliminary Plat or a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations shall be obtained;

South Dakota Department of Transportation Recommendation:
7. Prior to Preliminary Plat approval by the City Council, an approach permit shall be obtained for the existing and/or proposed access points located along S.D. Highway 79;

Register of Deed's Office Recommendation:
8. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the plat document shall be revised to read "Lot A" instead of "Lot B" as currently proposed;

Urban Planning Division Recommendations:
9. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, a subdivision estimate form shall be submitted for review and approval; and,
10. Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council surety for any required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall be posted and the subdivision inspection fees shall be paid.

Vote: (9 to 0 with Fast Wolf, Hoffmann, Mashek, Mickelson, Prairie Chicken, Schmidt, Stone, Wall and Wevik voting yes and none voting no)