ADA Compliance: The City of Rapid City fully subscribes to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations, please notify the Finance Office 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available.

City of Rapid City, South Dakota

May 20, 2002

MINUTES – Approve the minutes of May 6, 2002.


1.         Water Well No. 12 Project W02-1156 (Opened on May 16, 2002)

2.         Anaconda and Grandview Street and Utility Reconstruction Project ST01-1027 (Opened on May 16, 2002)

3.         2002 Mill and Overlay Projects ST02-1158 (Opened on May 16, 2002)

4.         One New Current Year Model Vacuum Street Sweeper (Opened at 2:30)

5.         One New Current Model Year Three-Wheel Drive Triplex Trim Mower for Municipal Golf Courses (Opened at 2:30)

6.         One New Current Model Year Backhoe/Loader for the Water Division (Opened at 2:30)

7.         Transportation Natural Gas for the City/School Common Energy Plant, Stevens High School Boiler Plant, Dakota Middle School, West Middle School and Southwest Middle School (Opened at 2:30)






(On/Off Sale Malt Beverage Licenses, No Video Lottery)

8.         M&M Restaurants, Inc. dba Piesano’s, 3618 Canyon Lake Drive, No. 121, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal (No Video Lottery)

9.         City of Rapid City dba Meadowbrook Golf Course, 3625 Jackson Boulevard, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal (No Video Lottery)

10.       City of Rapid City dba Executive Golf Course, 200 Twelfth Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal (No Video Lottery)

11.       City of Rapid City dba Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, 444 N. Mt. Rushmore Road, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal (No Video Lottery)

12.       Dan Trieu Ly dba Golden Fortune, 1204 E. North Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal (No Video Lottery)

13.       Black Hills Sports, Inc. dba Fitzgerald Stadium, Canyon Lake Drive, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal (No Video Lottery)

(Off/Sale Malt Beverage License Renewals)

14.       James Barry Stoick dba Stoick’s, 2303 Jackson Boulevard, for an Off-Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

15.       ETS, Inc. dba Berry Patch Campground, 1860 E. North Street, for an Off-Sale Malt Beverage License Transfer (from Charles & Holly Bossen)

16.       ETS, Inc. dba Berry Patch Campground, 1860 E. North Street, for an Off-Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

(Special Malt Beverage Licenses – No Video Lottery)

17        Rapid City Noon Optimist Club, for a Special Malt Beverage License to be used on August 6, 2002 at the corner of 6th & Main Streets

18.       United Downtown Association, for a Special Malt Beverage License to be used on June 21, 2002 on 6th Street between Rapid Street and Main Street.

(On/Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewals)

19.       Entertainment, Inc. dba Nu Robbinsdale Casino, 803 E. St. Patrick Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

20.       Robbinsdale Rec Center, Inc. dba Robbinsdale Rec Center, 805 E. St. Patrick Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

21.       Ken-Ben, Inc. dba 8th Street Lounge, 2201 Mt. Rushmore Road, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

22.       Cimarron Casino, Inc. dba Main Street Gap Casino, 1727 W. Main Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

23.       Cimarron Casino, Inc. dba Chicago Street Casino, 3609 Sturgis Road, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

24.       Cimarron Casino, Inc. dba Eastside Plaza Casino, 1000 Cambell Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

25.       Wyngard Pot-O-Gold Casino, Inc. dba Jackson Boulevard Casino, 2020 Jackson Boulevard, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

26.       Wyngard Pot-O-Gold Casino, Inc. dba Pot-O-Gold Casino, 1300 Centre Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

27.       Robin & Judy, Inc. (inactive), 712 St. Joseph Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

28.       SSDH, Inc. dba Sam’s Too, 2110 ½ Jackson Boulevard, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

29.       Kittens, Inc. dba Uncle Sam’s East, 1122 E. North Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

30.       Uncle Sam’s, Inc. dba Uncle Sam’s Casino & Eatery, 2110 Jackson Boulevard, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

31.      Jumble, Inc. dba Uncle Sam’s West, 2730 West Main Street, for an On-Off Sale Malt Beverage License Renewal

Set for Hearing (June 3, 2002)

32.       No. CC052002-01 - See Attached List


The following items were placed on the Consent Calendar for final action to be taken on all items by a single vote. Any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar by the Mayor, a Council person, or a citizen, for separate consideration.

 Set for Hearing (None)

Public Works Committee Items

33.       No. PW051502-01 – Approve the bid award of PR01-1051, Rapid City Community Centers South and West Project to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, Scull Construction Services for the low unit prices bid for a total contract amount of $2,964,910; and pending approval of the City/School Use Agreement.

34.       No. PW051502-02 – Approve the bid award of PR01-1073, Roosevelt Park Demonstration Gardens Project to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, Shamrock Enterprises, Inc. for the low unit prices bid for a total contract amount of $92,225.

35.       No. PW051502-03 – Approve the bid award of One (1) New Current Model Year Sander-Dump Combination with Plow for the Street Division to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, Eddie’s Truck Sales, Inc. for the low unit prices bid for a total contract amount of $89,853.

36.       No. PW051502-04 – Approve the bid award of One (1) New Current Model Year Loader/Backhoe for the Cemetery to the bidder meeting specifications, RDO Equipment Company for the unit prices bid for a total contract amount of $50,169.

37.       No. PW051502-05 – Approve Change Order No. 01 for W01-1104, Water Main Extension on Omaha Street from LaCrosse to Cambell Street Project to Stanley J. Johnsen Concrete Contractor, Inc. for an increase of $13,271.41.

38.       No. PW051502-06 – Authorize staff to advertise for bids for Bomag Trash Compactor Teeth for the Landfill.

39.       No. PW051502-07 – Authorize staff to advertise for bids for SS02–954, Hawthorne Avenue Street and Utilities Reconstruction Project, Phase Two - Grading, Surfacing, Curb & Gutter, Storm Sewer, Water Main, and Sanitary Sewer Main Project.

40.       No. PW051502-12 – Authorize staff to advertise for bids for One (1) New Current Model Year High Pressure Sewer Jet Cleaning Machine for Utility Maintenance.

41.       No. PW051502-08 – Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Black Hills Power, Inc. Right-Of-Way Permit – UG Corporation for the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center.

42.       No. PW051502-09 – Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Modification No. 01 to Research Agreement No. SDSM&T-CR 99-11 for contract extension only.

43.       No. PW051502-10 – Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign a Professional Services Agreement with FMG. Inc. for Preliminary Design Services for W03-1220, Arrowhead Water Transmission Main Loop for an amount not to exceed $9,820.

44.       No. PW051502-11 – Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign a Professional Services Agreement with Wyss Associates, Inc. to Design PR02-1216, Parkview Softball Complex Project, Phase 2 for an amount not to exceed $38,827.

45.       No. PW051502-14 – Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Amendment No. 01 to Professional Service Agreement with The Alliance of Architects & Engineers to Prepare ST02-1185, Rapid City GPS Densification Surveys for a Time Extension Only.

46.       Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign a Professional Service Agreement with Ferber Engineering Company to Design ST02-1218, Twilight Drive Connection/Concourse Drive Extension Project for an amount not to exceed $34,895.

47.       Authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer to sign a Professional Service Agreement with FMG, Inc. for a Preliminary Analysis/Design for ST02-1189, North LaCrosse/East Anamosa Intersection Improvements Project for an amount not to exceed $2,762.75.

48.       No. 02FV004 – Approve a Fence Height Variance of an eight foot (8’) high fence for Dream Design International, Inc. for Chase LP II on Lots 1-3, Block 7 of Schnasse Subdivision, Section 31, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 225 East Watertown Street.

49.       No. 02RD003 – Approve a request by City of Rapid City for a Resolution renaming Park Hill Drive to Park Hill Court on the Park Hill Drive right-of-way lying adjacent to Lots 14, 15, 16R, 17, 18, and 19 of Block 5, Park Hill Subdivision, located in the W1/2 SE1/4 of Section 7, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota.

Legal & Finance Committee

50.       No. LF051502-01 - Approve Event Permit for Cruiser Night to be held on June 14, 2002. 

51.       No. LF051502-02 - Approve Event Permit for South Dakota American Legion to hold parade on June 15, 2002.

52.       No. LF051502-03 - Approve Travel Request for John A. Beardsley to attend Computer Forensics Science and NTFS Forensic Suite Training in Gresham, Oregon, from June 15 through 22, 2002, in the amount of $2,802.

53.       No. LF051502-11 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to sign Renewal Contract with Pennington County Housing.

54.       Allow Police Chief Tieszen to spend $7,000 out of existing budget to move forward with the space study at the Public Safety Building, in conjunction with the county, and direct him to make a formal request to have a hearing in front of the 2012 Committee to look at the funding options for this project.

55.       No. LF051502-04 - Authorize staff to Advertise for Bids for the Purchase of One (1) EMC Decon Systems for P/N Mass Decon-101 System.

56.       No. LF051502-05 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Accept and Enter into Grant for $31,500 from the State of South Dakota and Department of Justice for the Purchase of Hazardous Materials Equipment for the Rapid City/Pennington County HazMat Team.

57.       No. LF051502-06 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Agreement with Premier Pyrotechnics for City Fireworks Display for a Three-Year Term in the Sum of $17,500 Per Year Provided Funds are Available.

58.       No. 02TP002 - Approve Amendment No. 1 to the 2002-2006 Transportation Improvement Program.

59.       No. LF051502-07 - Approve Resolution Establishing Change Fund for Recreation Facilities.

60.       No. LF051502-08 - Approve Resolution Fixing Time and Place for Hearing on Assessment Roll for Property Cleanup.

61.       Approve the following licenses: Electrical Apprentice: Adrien Adams, Rachel Eisenbraun, Maurice Holmes, Scott Kroll, Curtis Visscher; Electrical Journeyman: Hank Bucholz, Michael B. Martz; Mechanical Apprentice: Charles W. Lefler; Metal and Gems: First Security Pawn, Sean K. Woods; Pawn Shop: First Security Pawn, Sean K. Woods; Plumber: John A. Spry; Residential Contractor: Premier Builders, Jason A. Pehringer; Pyramid Construction, Todd Harter; Second Hand: First Security Pawn, Sean K. Woods; Sign Contractor: Conrad's Big C Signs, Ron Conrad.

62.       No. LF051502-10 - Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Execute Amendment II of Award of Allocation for Historic Preservation Project Number 46-01-024 for a No Cost Time Extension to July 1, 2002.

63.       Approve the request of Robert Mudge on behalf of the Sioux Falls Water Ski Club to use Canyon Lake for a water ski show on June 29th at 7:00 p.m. or in case of a rainout, on Sunday, June 30, 2002, not before 1:00 p.m.

63A.    Direct staff to prepare a resolution extending the moratorium on billboards to an appropriate time.

64.       No. LF051502-12 - Approve Appointment of Patricia Meyers to the Rapid City Regional Airport Board for a term of five years.

65.      Approve appointment of Andrew Hade to the Sign Contractor Board through December 31, 2003.

66.      Approve appointment of Tom Murphy as the City Council representative to the City-County Public Safety Building Expansion Committee.

67.       Approve appointment of Mike Derby to the Sign Contractor Board through December 31, 2003.


68.       No. CC052002-02 - Acknowledge notification from Veterans Coordination Commission of their intent to sell poppies and forget-me-nots in the Rapid City area for donations

End of Consent Calendar


69.       No. 00PL127 - A request by Dream Design, Inc. for Doyle Estes for a Preliminary & Final Plat on Tract B of Neff's Subdivision No. 4 located in the unplatted portion of the S1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 3, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located north of Race Track Road and Elk Vale Road.

70.       No. 01PL054 - A request by Dream Design, Inc. for Big Sky LLC for a Final Plat on Lots 1 and 2 of Block 13; Lots 2-5 of Block 14, and Dedicated Streets, Big Sky Subdivision, located in the SE1/4 NW1/4 and NE1/4 NW/14 of Section 3, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, excepting Lot 1 on Block 13 and Lot 1 in Block 14 of Big Sky Subdivision and Dedicated Public Rights of Way (Big Sky Drive and DeGeest Street), as shown on the plat filed in Plat Book 29, Page 154, located at the northern terminus of DeGeest Street.

71.       No. 01PL065 - A request by D. C. Scott Co. for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lot 4R of Polar Bear Subdivision formerly Lot 4 of Polar Bear Subdivision and unplatted land located in the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 7, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Sydney Drive and S.D. Highway 79.

72.       No. 01PL089 - A request by Dream Design International for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 7-9, Block 4; Lots 13-23, Block 6, Lot 6, Block 7; Lots 1-11, Block 8; Lots 1-2, Block 9 of Big Sky Subdivision and dedicated South Pitch Drive, Aurora Drive, Carl Avenue and major drainage easements located in NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 3, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at the current northern terminus of South Pitch Drive.

73.       No. 01PL097 - A request by Dream Design International for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Tract A and dedicated streets, Big Sky Subdivision - Phase VII located in the SE1/4 NW1/4 and the NE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 3, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota,; excepting Lot 1, Block 13 and Lot 1, Block 14 of Big Sky Subdivision and dedicated public rights of way (Big Sky Drive and Degeest Street), as shown on the plat filed in Plat Book 29, Page 154, also excepting Lots 1 and 2, Block 13 and Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 14 and dedicated public rights of way (Degeest St., Buddy Ct. and Homestead Ave.), located at the intersection of Degeest Street and Homestead Avenue.

74.       No. 01PL123 - A request by Rice Valley View Properties for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lot 6A of Lot 6 of the Rice Valley View Properties Addition, located in Section 6, T1N, R8E, BHM in the City of Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lot 6 of Rice Valley View Properties, Section 6, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 1033 Omaha Street.

75.       No. 02PL005 - A request by Thurston Design Group, LLC for Youth & Family Services, Inc. for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lot 2R and Lot 3 of Block 21, Wise's Addition, located in the W1/4 of the NW1/4, Section 31, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lots 3 Rev. and 4 Rev. of Block 6 and Lot 2 of Block 21, Wise's Addition located in the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 Section 31, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 120 East Adams Street and 202 East Adams Street.

76.       No. 02PL006 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Engineers for Larry Lewis and Kenneth Kirkeby for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Parcel A of Tract SB of Springbrook Acres Addition and Lot 19R3 of Fairway Hills PRD located in the SW1/4 NE1/4, NW1/4 SE1/4, and SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 15, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lot 19R2 of Fairway Hills PRD and a portion of Tract SB of Springbrook Acres located in the SW1/4 NE1/4, NW1/4 SE1/4, and SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 15, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located east of Fairway Hills and Sandstone Ridge Subdivision.

77.       No. 02PL009 - A request by Polenz Land Surveying for Chuck Farrar for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 16P Revised and Lot 17P revised in Block 2 of Chapel Lane Village Subdivision, Section 8, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lot 16P and Lot 17P of Block 2  of Chapel Lane Village located in the NE/14 of NE/14 of Section 17 and the SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 8 and the vacated portion of Lakeview Subdivision No. 2 of the SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 8, all in T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 3210 Kirkwood Drive.

78.       No. 02PL011 - A request by Centerline, Inc. for 3 T's Land Development LLC for a Preliminary Plat on Lots 23 thru 30 and Lots 41 thru 48, Minnesota Ridge Subdivision, located in the SW1/4 of Section 13, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, a portion of Tract C of Robbinsdale Addition No. 10 located in the SW1/4 of Section 13, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of the intersection of Minnesota Street and 5th Street.

79.       No. 02PL012 - A request by Dream Design International, Inc. for Stoney Creek Inc. for a Final Plat on Lot 24, Block 3; Lots 4, 5, and Outlot "A", Block 4; Lots 1-22, Block 6 of Stoney Creek Subdivision and dedicated Nugget Gulch Drive, Harvard Avenue, Columbia Court, Cornell Court and major drainage easements located in the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota the E1/2 SW1/4 less Stoney Creek Subdivision Phase 1 and Less Lot H2, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located north of the intersection of Catron Boulevard and Sheridan Lake Road.

80.       No. 02PL014 - A request by CETEC Engineering for Park Hill Development Inc. for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1A and 1B of Block 1 of Park Meadows Subdivision, located in the NE1/4  SE1/4, Section 7, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lot 1 of Block 1 of Park Meadows Subdivision, located in the NE1/4  SE1/4, Section 7, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of East Oakland Street and Smith Avenue.

81.       No. 02PL017 - A request by Kip M. Garland for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lot 14R and Lot 15R of Block 14 of Trailwood Village, located in the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 10, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, formerly Lot 14 and Lot 15 of Block 14 of Trailwood Village located in the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 10, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 2821 Shad Street.

82.       No. 02PL022 - A request by Renner & Sperlich Engineering Co. for Gary Rasmusson for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lot 26 of Block 23, and Lot 6 of Block 24, Robbinsdale Addition No. 10, located in the NE1/4 of the SE1/4, Section 13, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, a portion of Tract A of Robbinsdale Addition No. 10 and a portion of the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 13, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located the northeast and northwest corner of the intersection of Maple Avenue and East Minnesota Street.

83.       No. 02PL027 - A request by Renner & Sperlich Engineering Co. for Gordon Howie for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1, and 5 thru 15 of Block 17 of Trailwood Village located in the E1/2 of the SW/14 of Section 10, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, a portion of Tract 5 of Trailwood Village located in the E1/2 of the SW/14 of Section 10, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located northeast of Covington Street and Teak Drive.

84.       No. 02PL028 - A request by Renner & Sperlich Engineering Co. for Robert E. Moore for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1 thru 15 of Kepp Heights Subdivision #4, located in the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lot 15 of Kepp Heights Subdivision #3, located in the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Flormann Street and Skyline Drive.

85.       No. 02PL034 - A request by Jeffrey L. Devine for a Layout Plat on Lots 1and 2  located in SW1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Tract B less Lot H1 of Tract B located in SW1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of East Philadelphia Street and east of Cambell Street.

86.       No. 02PL037 - A request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1-19 Block 1, Lots 1-37 Block 2, Lots 1-52 Block 3, Lots 1-38 Block 4, Lots 1-37 Block 5, Tract A, Tract B, and dedicated streets, being a replat of the SW1/4 NW1/4 and NW1/4 SW1/4, and Lot 6A and 6B of the Madison Subdivision, being a replat of Lot 6 of the Madison Subdivision, all in Section 13, T2N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, a parcel of land located in the SW1/4 NW1/4, less Haines Avenue Right-of-Way and NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 13, T2N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota,; and Lot 6 of Madison's Subdivision, in the City of Rapid City, as shown on the Final Plat recorded in Book 12 of Plats on Page 106, Pennington County Register of Deeds, located west of Haines Avenue.

87.       No. 02PL039 - A request by FMG, Inc. for George and Nancy Dunham for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1 through 14 of Block 1 and Lots 1 through 6 of Block 2 of Dunham Estates and dedicated public right of way shown as Ward Drive and Ward Court located in NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, the unplatted portions of the E1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4, the W1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 and the E1/2 NE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Sheridan Lake Road, north of Corral Drive, south of Nicklaus Drive and east of Parkridge Subdivision.

88.       No. 02PL040 - A request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1-6 of  Block 1; Lot 1 of Block 2; Lots 1-20 of Block 3, Lots 1-14 of Block 4; Lot 1 of Block 5, of Eastridge Subdivision and dedicated Enchantment Road, Eastridge Drive, Sally Court, and major drainage easements located in the NW1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota,NE1/4 NW1/4; N1/2 NE1/4 less NW1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 and less NE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4  and less NW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4; NW1/4 NW1/4; SE1/4 NW1/4 less the west 460 feet of the south 990 feet and less Lot H1; SW1/4 NW1/4 less the south 990 feet, Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Fifth Street.


 89.      No. 02PL038 - A request by FMG, Inc. for George and Nancy Dunham for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1 through 4 of Block 3, Lots 1 through 3 of Block 4 and Lots 1 through 11 of Block 5 of Dunham Estates and dedicated public right of way shown as Dunham Drive, Dixon Drive, Severson Street and Heidiway Lane located in NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota,E1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 and the W1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 and the E1/2 NE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Sheridan Lake Road, north of Corral Drive, south of Nicklaus Drive and east of Parkridge Subdivision.

90.       No. 01PL110 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying for Dakota Land Development for a Preliminary and Final Plat on Lots 1-7, Vista Lake Subdivision, Section 8, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; located on Jackson Boulevard/Highway 44 West north of the Fish Hatchery.


91.       No. 02AN005 - A request by City of Rapid City for a Petition for Annexation on the NW1/4 SW1/4; Lot A north of 1/16 line; Lot 1 of Tract D; Lot B of SW1/4 SW1/4 and Lot A of SE1/4 SW1/4; Tract D of W1/2 SW1/4 less BHP&L Substation Subdivision, less E Hoff Subdivision and less Lot H1 and Lot H1, Lot H2 and Lot H3 of W1/2 SW1/4, Lot H2 and Lot H3 of Lot C of W1/2 SW1/4, Lot H1 of Tract D of W1/2 SW1/4 less Lot 1 of BHPL Highway 79 Substation, Lot H1 in Lot E in the SW1/4 SW1/4, Lot H1 in Lot F in the SW1/4 SW1/4, Lot H1 in Lot B in the SW1/4 SW1/4, Lot H1 in Lot A in the SE1/4 SW1/4 Lot H5 of NW1/4 SW1/4, all located in Section 17, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, and Lot H1 of E1/2 SE1/4, Section 18, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota,; All railroad rights-of-way, previously not annexed, located in the NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 17, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota,; and, all portions of property not annexed into the City of Rapid City lying west of the east boundary of the DM&E railroad right-of-way, including all rights-of-way, located in the SW1/4 of Section 17, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located east of SD Highway 79 and north of Folsom Road.

92.       No. 02CA019 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 5.9 acre parcel from Public Drainage to General Commercial with a Planned Development Designation to include a drainage area within 550 feet of Catron Boulevard on the north 500 feet of the east 460 feet of Government Lot 3 of the NW1/4 SW1/4 and that portion of the SW1/4 NW1/4 lying south of Catron Boulevard, all located in Section 19, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and east of the proposed 5th Street extension.

93.       No. 02CA020 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 1.18 acres parcel from Office Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development to Light Industrial on that portion of the SE1/4 SE1/4 lying southeast of the proposed 5th Street extension in Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

94.       No. 02CA021 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 10.65 acre parcel from Office Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development to Office Commercial on the east 500 feet of the south 1040 feet of the SE1/4 SE1/4 and west of proposed 5th Street extension, Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

95.       No. 02CA022 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 19.65 acre parcel from Low Density Residential with a Planned Residential Development to Medium Density on the west 890 feet of the south 1040 feet of the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

96.       No. 02CA023 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 45.86 acre parcel from Public Drainage and General Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development, Low Density Residential with a Planned Residential Development, and Office Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development to General Commercial with a Planned Development Designation and a Drainage area within 550 feet of Catron Boulevard and General Commercial on the balance of the property on NE1/4 SE1/4 less Hwy 16B ROW and the north 280 feet of the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

97.       No. 02CA024 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 16.63 acre parcel from Medium Density Residential with a Planned Residential Development to Office Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development on the north 730 feet of the west 150 feet of the NE1/4 SE1/4 and the north 600 feet of the east 1170 feet of the NW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

98.       No. 02CA025 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 6.86 acre parcel from Low Density Residential with a Planned Residential Development to Medium Density Residential on the south 150 feet of the west 150 feet of the NW1/4 SE1/4 and the south 280 feet of the east 1170 feet of the NW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

99.       No. 02CA026 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 31.8 acre parcel from Low Density Residential with a Planned Residential Development to Low Density Residential II on the south 1040 feet of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

100.    No. 02CA027 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 12.47 acre parcel from Medium Density Residential with a Planned Residential Development to Neighborhood Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development on that portion of the north 735 feet lying south of Catron Boulevard in the NE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

101.    No. 02CA028 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to change the future land use designation on a 51.16 acre parcel from Medium Density Residential with a Planned Residential Development to Medium Density Residential on the south 585 feet of the NE1/4 SW1/4 and that portion of the SE1/4 SW1/4 all lying more than 550 feet from the Catron Boulevard right-of-way in Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

102.    No. 02CA029 - A request by City of Rapid City for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to revise the South Robbinsdale Neighborhood Area Future Land Use Plan to identify an alternative designation as General Commercial with a Planned Commercial Development on a 128.16 acre parcel on the east 500 feet of the south 1040 feet of the SE1/4 SE1/4 west of the proposed 5th Street extension, the west 820 feet of the south 1040 feet of the SE1/4 SE1/4, NE1/4 SE1/4 less Hwy 16B ROW and the north 280 feet of the SE1/4 SE1/4, the east 860 feet of the NW1/4 SE1/4, and the east 860 feet of the SW1/4 SE1/4, all located in Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Catron Boulevard and west of the proposed 5th Street extension.

103.    No. 02CA030 - A request by FMG, Inc. for George and Nancy Dunham for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation on a 120 acre parcel from General Agriculture to Low Density Residential on the unplatted portions of the E1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4; W1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4; and the E1/2 NE1/4, all located in Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Sheridan Lake Road, north of corral Drive, south of Nicklaus Drive and east of Parkridge Subdivision.

104.    No. 01PD064 - A request by Bryan K. Gonzales for Pride Neon, Inc. for a Major Amendment to a Planned Commercial Development to revise the sign package on Lot 2 Revised of Blocks 14-15, South Boulevard Addition, Section 12, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 640 Flormann Street.

105.    No. 01PD065 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying for Dakota Land Development for an Initial and Final Development Plan - Planned Residential Development on Lot 1 of Lot F-1 of Fish Hatchery Subdivision and the north 545.31 feet of Lot F-1 of Fish Hatchery Subdivision, Section 8, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located on Jackson Boulevard/Highway 44 West north of the Fish Hatchery.

106.    No. 02PD003 - A request by Thurston Design Group, LLC for Youth and Family Services for a Planned Commercial Development - Final Development Plan on The east 26' of Lot 2 of Block 21, Lot 3 Revised and Lot 4 Revised of Block 6, Wise's Addition, located in the SW1/4 of the NW1/4, Section 31, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 120 East Adams Street and 202 East Adams Street.

107.    No. 02SV001 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying for Dakota Land Development for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow sidewalks on one side of the street on Feather Ridge Court and to waive the requirement to install sidewalk, curb and gutter, street light conduit, dry sewer and water on the access easement on Lot 1 of Lot F-1 of Fish Hatchery Subdivision and the north 545.31 feet of Lot F-1 of Fish Hatchery Subdivision, Section 8, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located on Jackson Boulevard/Highway 44 West north of the Fish Hatchery.

108.    No. 02SV006 - A request by Fisk Land Surveying & Consulting Engineers for Larry Lewis and Kenneth Kirkeby for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow sidewalks on one side of the street on Lot 19R2 of Fairway Hills PRD and a portion of Tract SB of Springbrook Acres located in the SW1/4 NE1/4, NW1/4 SE1/4, and SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 15, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located east of Fairway Hills and Sandstone Ridge Subdivision.

109.    No. 02SV007 - A request by Polenz Land Surveying for Chuck Farrar for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement for curb, gutter, sidewalk and street light conduit on Lot 16P and Lot 17P of Block 2  of Chapel Lane Village located in the NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 17 and the SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 8 and the vacated portion of Lakeview Subdivision No. 2 of the SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 8, all in T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located at 3210 Kirkwood Drive.

110.    No. 02SV014 - A request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow lots more than twice as long as they are wide on Lots 1-19 Block 1, Lots 1-37 Block 2, Lots 1-52 Block 3, Lots 1-38 Block 4, Lots 1-37 Block 5, Tract A, Tract B, and dedicated streets, being a replat of the SW1/4 NW1/4 and NW1/4 SW1/4, and Lot 6A and 6B of the Madison Subdivision, being a replat of Lot 6 of the Madison Subdivision, all in Section 13, T2N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, a parcel of land located in the SW1/4 NW1/4, less Haines Avenue Right-of-Way and NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 13, T2N, R7E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota,; and Lot 6 of Madison's Subdivision, in the City of Rapid City, as shown on the Final Plat recorded in Book 12 of Plats on Page 106, Pennington County Register of Deeds, located west of Haines Avenue.

111.    No. 02SV015 - A request by Renner & Sperlich Engineering Co. for Robert E. Moore for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow lots twice as long as they are wide and to waive the requirement to install pavement, curb and gutter, water, sewer, street light conduit and sidewalks on Lots 1 thru 15 of Kepp Heights Subdivision #4, located in the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lot 15 of Kepp Heights Subdivision #3, located in the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located south of Flormann Street and Skyline Drive.

112.    No. 02SV017 - A request by Renner & Sperlich Engineering Co. for Wilburn-Powers, Inc. for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install pavement, curb and gutter, water, sewer, street light conduit and sidewalks on Lot 3 of Huffman Subdivision located in the NW1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, Lots 3 and 4 of the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 32 less Lot H1 of Lots 3, 4, 5 & 6 of the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 32, and the unplatted portion of the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 32 and the existing 16' wide alley located in the NW1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 32, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located east of Cambell Street and between US Highway 14 & 16 and East Philadelphia Street.

113.    No. 02SV018 - A request by Renner & Sperlich Engineering Co. for Gary Rasmusson for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement for dedication of right-of-way in accordance with the Major Street Plan on Lot 26 of Block 23, and Lot 6 of Block 24, Robbinsdale Addition No. 10, located in the NE1/4 of the SE1/4, Section 13, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, a portion of Tract A of Robbinsdale Addition No. 10 and a portion of the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 13, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located the northeast and northwest corner of the intersection of Maple Avenue and East Minnesota Street.

114.    No. 02SV020 - A request by FMG, Inc. for George and Nancy Dunham for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow lots twice as long as wide, to allow 25 foot reserve strip adjacent to Lot 1 of Block 1, waive the requirement for sidewalk on Nicklaus Drive and Meadowbrook Drive and to allow curbside sidewalk with roll curb on Ward Court on Lots 1 through 14 of Block 1 and Lots 1 through 6 of Block 2 of Dunham Estates and dedicated public right of way shown as Ward Drive and Ward Court located in NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, the unplatted portions of the E1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4, the W1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 and the E1/2 NE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Sheridan Lake Road, north of Corral Drive, south of Nicklaus Drive and east of Parkridge Subdivision.

115.    No. 02SV021 - A request by FMG, Inc. for George and Nancy Dunham for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow lots twice as long as wide, and to allow curbside sidewalk with roll curb on Dixon Court on Lots 1 through 4 of Block 3, Lots 1 through 3 of Block 4 and Lots 1 through 11 of Block 5 of Dunham Estates and dedicated public right of way shown as Dunham Drive, Dixon Court, Severson Street and Heidiway Lane located in NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, the unplatted portions of the E1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4, the W1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 and the E1/2 NE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Sheridan Lake Road, north of Corral Drive, south of Nicklaus Drive and east of Parkridge Subdivision.

116.    No. 02SV022 - A request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to allow lots twice as long as wide on Lots 1-6 of  Block 1; Lot 1 of Block 2; Lots 1-20 of Block 3, Lots 1-14 of Block 4; Lot 1 of Block 5, of Eastridge Subdivision and dedicated Enchantment Road, Eastridge Drive, Sally Court, and major drainage easements located in the NW1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota,NE1/4 NW1/4; N1/2 NE1/4 less NW1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 and less NE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4  and less NW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4; NW1/4 NW1/4; SE1/4 NW1/4 less the west 460 feet of the south 990 feet and less Lot H1; SW1/4 NW1/4 less the south 990 feet, Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located west of Fifth Street.


117.    No. 01OA025 – Second Reading, Ordinance 3773, entitled an Ordinance Amending Sections 17.16.020(17); 17.18.020(12); 17.18.030(29); 17.22.020; 17.22.030(J); 17.24.020B(2); 17.24.030(C); and Adding Section 17.50.380 to Chapter 17.50 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Regarding Off-Premise Signs as Uses on Review. 

118.    No. 02OA002 – First Reading, Ordinance 3801, entitled An Ordinance amending Chapter 16.08 of the Rapid City Municipal Code by adding Chapter 16.08.035 pertaining to Administrative Approval of Final Plats.

119.    No. 02OA003 – First Reading, Ordinance 3802, entitled an Ordinance amending Chapter 16.08 of the Rapid City Municipal Code by adding Chapter 16.08.037 pertaining to expiration of approved Layout Plat and Preliminary Plats.

120.    No. 02RZ018 – Second Reading, Ordinance 3809, a request by Harold L. Bies for Kathleen Morris for a Rezoning from Low Density Residential District to Medium Density Residential District on Blocks 13 and 14, Mahoney Addition, Section 25, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, located the southwest corner of Lindbergh Avenue and Wood Avenue.

121.    No. 02RZ020 – Second Reading, Ordinance 3811, a request by FMG, Inc. for George and Nancy Dunham for a Rezone from General Agricultural District to Low Density Residential on a parcel of land within the NE1/4 of the NE1/4, Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM, described by metes and bounds as follows: From the NE Section Corner of Section 16 go S00°01'13"W for a distance of 30.00 feet then N89°43'19"W for a distance of 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Thence S00°01'13"W parallel to the East Section Line for a distance of 225.00 feet. Thence N89 43'19"W for a distance of 121.01 feet. Thence S14°19'10"W for a distance of 344.24 feet. Thence S40 29'02"W for a distance of 245.73 feet. Thence S81°53'46"W for a distance of 608.83 feet to a point on a curve. Thence on a curve to the left with a chord bearing of N14°12'22"W for a chord distance of 99.93 feet and radius of 470.00 feet. Thence S69°41'29"W for a distance of 107.08 feet. Thence N89°43'59"W for a distance of 209.88 feet to the 1/16 line. Thence N00°16'01"E along the east boundary of Block 1 of Parkridge Village for a distance of 310.08 feet. Thence N00°19'42"E for a distance of 292.43 feet to a point on a curve. Thence on a curve to the left with a chord bearing of N11°48'15"E for a chord distance of 150.63 feet with a radius of 378.28 feet. Thence S89°43'19"E along the South ROW of Nicklaus Drive for a distance of 1269.31 feet to the Point of Beginning, located west of Sheridan Lake Road, north of Corral Drive, south of Nicklaus Drive and east of Parkridge Subdivision.

122.    No. 02RZ021 – Second Reading, Ordinance 3812, a request by FMG, Inc. for George and Nancy Dunham for a Rezone from General Agricultural District to Low Density Residential on a parcel of land within the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 16, T1N, R7E, BHM described by metes and bounds as follows: From the Point of Beginning, being the SE corner of the NE1/4 of the SE1/4, go N89°43'18"W along the 1/16 Line for a distance of 1333.50 feet to the SE 1/16 corner of Section 16. Thence N00°05'20"W along the 1/16 Line for a distance of 561.80 feet. Thence N64°57'46"E for a distance of 62.20 feet. Thence S30°17'55"E for a distance of 130.55 feet. Thence N64°57'46"E for a distance of 286.82 feet. Thence N55°49'01"E for a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on a curve. Thence south easterly on a curve to the left with a chord bearing of S41°19'14"E for a chord distance of 67.10 feet and a radius of 270.00 feet. Thence N41°32'30"E for a distance of 70.00 feet. Thence N79°34'02"E for a distance of 179.72 feet. Thence N04°05'26"E for a distance of 128.26 feet. Thence N78°33'14"E for a distance of 134.93 feet. Thence N87°50'42"E for a distance of 333.96 feet. Thence S00°00'00"W for a distance of 182.50 feet. Thence S85°54'34"E for a distance of 160.61feet to the east Section Line of Section 16. Thence S00°00'52"W along the Section Line for a distance of 644.83 feet to the Point of Beginning, located west of Sheridan Lake Road, north of Corral Drive, south of Nicklaus Drive and east of Parkridge Subdivision.

123.    No. LF041002-11R – Second Reading, Ordinance 3813, entitled An Ordinance Revising the Regulation of Signs Within the City of Rapid City by Amending Chapter 15.28 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.

124.    No. LF050102-16 – Second Reading, Ordinance 3814 entitled An Ordinance Repealing Chapter 15.12 of the Rapid City Municipal Code in Its Entirety and Adopting a New Chapter 15.12 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Entitled Uniform Construction Codes Adopted.

125.    No. 02RZ022 – Second Reading, Ordinance 3815, a request by City of Rapid City for a Rezoning from No Use District to Heavy Industrial District on the Fairmont Boulevard right-of-way formerly known as Short Bull Street located in the SW1/4 of Section 8 and the NW1/4 of Section 17, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; located east of S.D. Highway 79 and south of East St. Patrick Street.

126.    No. 02RZ023 – Second Reading, Ordinance 3816, a request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Low Density Residential District on Lots 1-6 of  Block 1; Lot 1 of Block 2; Lots 1-20 of Block 3, Lots 1-14 of Block 4; Lot 1 of Block 5, of Eastridge Subdivision and dedicated Enchantment Road, Eastridge Drive, Sally Court, and major drainage easements located in the NW1/4 of Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, legally described as NE1/4 NW1/4; N1/2 NE1/4 less NW1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 and less NE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 and less NW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4; NW1/4 NW1/4; SE1/4 NW1/4 less the west 460 feet of the south 990 feet and less Lot H1; SW1/4 NW1/4 less the south 990 feet, Section 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; located west of Fifth Street.

127.    No. 02OA005 - First Reading, Ordinance 3817, entitled An Ordinance to Increase the Permitted Size of Garages or Carports and to Require a Conditional Use Permit for Those Larger than 1500 Square Feet by Amending Section 17.04.315 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.

128.    No. 02RZ024 – First Reading, Ordinance 3818, a request by City of Rapid City for a Rezoning from No Use District to Heavy Industrial District on the 80 foot wide vacated Brave Heart Street right-of-way on the southern boundary of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Deblen Subdivision and the northern boundary of Block 1 and 4 as shown on the plat of Block 1 and 4 of Lot 2 of NW1/4 NW1/4 and of Lot 3 of SW1/4 NW1/4 and Blocks 2 and 3 of Lot 3 of SW1/4 NW1/4, Section 17, T1N, R8E, and the 80 foot wide vacated Red Cloud street right-of-way lying within Lot A and B of Tract 2 of Kormylo Subdivision and Block 1 and 2 as shown on the plat of Blocks 1 and 4 of Lot 2 of NW1/4 NW1/4 and Lot 3 of SW1/4 NW1/4 and Blocks 2 and 3 of Lot 3 of SW1/4 NW1/4 Section 17, T1N, R8E, all located in Section 17, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota located east of SD Highway 79, south of Fairmont Boulevard and north of Minnesota Street.

129.    No. 02RZ025 - First Reading, Ordinance 3819, a request by City of Rapid City for a Rezoning from No Use District to Light Industrial District on the 50 foot E. St. Charles Street right-of-way lying north of Lots A, C, D, E, F, G, & H in Schlottman Addition and the 66 foot E. St. Andrew Street right-of-way lying north of Lots O, P, Q, R, S, & T in Schlottman Addition, and the east half of Sedivy Lane lying south of SD Highway 44 and north of the railroad tracks, all located in Section 5, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, located north of E. St. Patrick Street and south of SD Highway 44.

130.    No. 02RZ026 - First Reading, Ordinance 3820, a request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Rezoning from General Agriculture District to General Commercial District on A parcel of land located in the SW1/4 of the SW1/4 and the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 including the remainder of Lot B of the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 lying east of Highway 16, a portion of the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 and a portion of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 all in Section 23, T1N, R7E, BHM, Located in the City of Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Aladdin Heights Subdivision as shown on the plat filed in Book 12 of plats Page 158; continuing from the Point of Beginning South 89º59’15” East a distance of 403.30 feet along the South line of the Aladdin Heights Subdivision to a point; thence South 07º20’48” West a distance of 426.12 feet to a point on the current commercial zoning line; thence North 51º24’29” West a distance of 141.9 feet along the current commercial zoning line to a point; thence North 66º48’29” West a distance of 256.04 feet along the current commercial zoning line to a point; thence South 89º37’13” West a distance of 32.67 feet along the current commercial zoning line to a point on the Easterly ROW of Highway 16; thence North 07º20’48” East a distance of 235.52 feet along the Easterly ROW of said highway returning to the Point of Beginning, located east of Highway 16 and 1/4 mile north of Catron Blvd.

131.    No. 02RZ027 - First Reading, Ordinance 3821, a request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Rezoning from Low Density Residential II District with a Planned Development Designation to Medium Density Residential District on a previously unplatted parcel of land in the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 Section 26, T1N, R7E, BHM, located in the City of Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota. Being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the stone monument for the 1/4 corner common to Sections 23 and 26, T1N, R7E, BHM thence along the line between Sections 23 and 26 South 89º59'50" West a distance of 329.50 to a rebar and cap marked Davis & Atkins Assoc. 3095 said rebar being identical to the northwest corner of Tract A as shown on the plat recorded in Book 22 of plats Page 182 and the Point of Beginning; thence South 00º08'12" West a distance of 1277.17 along the West line of said Tract A to a rebar with cap marked Davis & Atkins Assoc. 3095 said rebar being identical to the Southwest corner of said Tract A; thence a distance of 48.44 feet southwesterly along a curve that is the northwesterly ROW of the Highway 16 Bypass, said curve is concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 2939.79 feet and a chord direction of South 23º05'24" West, to a rebar with cap marked Fisk Engr. 1771; thence South 89º54’41” West a distance of 644.75 feet along the 1/16th line to a rebar with cap marked Davis & Atkins Assoc. 3095 said rebar being identical to the Southeast corner of said Lot A as shown on the plat recorded in Book 23 of plats Page 157; thence North 0º03’20” East a distance of 660.89 feet along the East line of said Lot A to a rebar with cap marked LS 6117 said rebar being identical to the Northeast corner of said Lot A; thence North 13 52’22” East a distance of 681.69 feet to the intersection of the commercial zoning line with the line between Sections 23 and 26; thence North 89º59’50” East a distance of 502.71 feet to the returning to the Point of Beginning, located east of Highway 16 and 1/4 mile north of Catron Blvd.

132.    No. 02RZ028 - First Reading, Ordinance 3822, a request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Rezoning from General Commercial District to Medium Density Residential District on a previously unplatted portion of the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 and the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 26, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot A as shown on the plat filed in Book 23 of plats Page 157, said point of beginning being monumented with a rebar with cap marked LS 6117; thence South 89º48'07" West a distance of 331.50 feet along the North line of said lot A to a rebar with cap marked Davis & Atkins Assoc. 3095, Said rebar being identical to the Northeast corner of the Tucker Street ROW as shown on the plat filed in Book 23 of plats Page 157; thence South 89º 58' 52" West a distance of 266.92 feet along the North ROW of Tucker Street to a point; thence North 07º23'21" East a distance of 668.56 to a point on the line between Sections 23 and 26; thence North 89º59'50" East a distance of 675.88 feet along the line between Sections 23 and 26 to a point identical to the intersection of said section line with the current commercial zoning line; thence South 13º52'22" West a distance of 681.69 feet along the current commercial zoning line to the point of beginning; containing 9.690 acres or 422,112.56 square feet located east of Highway 16 and 1/4 mile north of Catron Blvd.

133.    No. 02RZ029 - First Reading, Ordinance 3823, a request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Park Forest on a previously unplatted portion of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 and the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 23, T1N, R7E, BHM, City of Rapid City, County of Pennington, South Dakota more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stone monument that is identical to the 1/4 corner common to Sections 23 and 26 T1N, R7E, BHM thence continuing from the point of beginning South 89º50' 50" West a distance of 832.21 feet along the line between Sections 23 and 26 to a point that is identical to the intersection of the line between said sections and the current commercial zoning line; thence North 13º43' 23" East a distance of 33.11 feet along the current commercial zoning line to an angle point in the current commercial zoning line; thence North 50º07' 47" East a distance of 264.10 feet along the current commercial zoning line to an angle point in said zoning line; thence North 0º05' 37" East a distance of 450.00 feet along the current commercial zoning line to an angle point in said zoning line; thence North 72º22' 41" East a distance of 180.00 feet along the current commercial zoning line to angle point in said zoning line; thence North 14º47' 21" East a distance of 545.48 feet to a point; thence North 25º58' 18" West a distance of 789.13 feet to a point; thence North 0 00' 32" East a distance of 475.00 feet to a point; thence North 89º59' 28" West a distance of 175.00 feet to a point on the East line of Lot 1 Block 2 Aladdin Heights Subdivision as shown on the plat filed in Book 12 of plats Page 158; thence North 0º00' 32" East a distance of 30.00 feet along the East line of said Lot 1 to a point identical to the North East corner of said Lot 1; thence North 0º00' 32" East a distance of 199.93 feet along the East line of Lot 3 Block 3 Aladdin Heights Subdivision as shown on  the plat recorded in Book 14 of plats Page 68 to a rebar with cap marked Fisk Eng. 1771 said rebar being on the South line of Tract D of Medicine Ridge No. 2 Subdivision as shown on the plat filed in Book 14 of plats Page 227; thence North 89º55' 31" East a distance of 346.35 feet along the South line of said Tract D to a rebar with cap marked Francis Meador 1019 said rebar being on the West line of Tract G as shown on the plat filed in Book 11 of plats Page 59; thence South 0º11' 40" East a distance of 450.90 feet along the West line of said Tract G to a rebar with cap marked Francis Meador 1019 said rebar being identical to the Southwest corner of said Tract G; thence South 89º56' 13" East a distance of 481.92 feet along the South line of said Tract G to a rebar and cap marked Francis Meador 1019 said rebar being identical to the Southeast corner of said Tract G and on the 1/4 line between the SW 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of said Section 23; thence South 0º01’ 16” East a distance of 2196.74 feet to the Point of Beginning, located east of Highway 16 and 1/4 mile north of Catron Blvd.

134.    No. 02RZ030 - First Reading, Ordinance 3824, a request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Rezoning from General Agriculture District to Office Commercial District on a previously unplatted portion of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 23, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 1” I.D. Pipe that is identical with the Southeast corner of the Aladdin Heights Subdivision as shown on the plat filed in Book 12 of plats Page 158 and the point of beginning; thence North 0º00' 32" East a distance of 712.38 feet along the East line of the said Aladdin Heights Subdivision; thence South 89 59’28” East a distance of 175.00 feet to a point; thence South 0º00’32” West a distance of 475.00 feet to a point; thence South 25º58’18” East a distance of 789.13 feet to a point; thence South 14º47’21” West a distance of 545.48 feet to a point identical with an angle point on the existing commercial zoning line; thence North 47º07’21” West a distance of 473.75 feet along the existing commercial zoning line to an angle point in the existing commercial zoning line; thence North 51 24’29” West a distance of 408.10 feet along the existing commercial zoning line to a point; thence North 07º20’48” East a distance of 426.12 feet to a point on the South line of said Aladdin Heights Subdivision; thence South 89º59’15” East a distance of 230.28 feet to the Point of Beginning, located east of Highway 16 and 1/4 mile north of Catron Blvd.


135.     Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Exterior Bus Advertising Contract for: Culver's - Side Panel - 3 Buses - $525.00; Dave Schmidt - Farmer's Ins. Group - One Side Panel - $150.00.

136.    Snow removal billing for the Church of the God of Prophecy, 1125 North LaCrosse Street.


137.    Request for an Exception to Street Criteria Manual for Len Weimer of 116 Monroe Street.

138.    No. PW051502-13 – Direct staff of the Public Works Department and City Attorney’s Office to work with the Black Hawk Sanitary District on a proposal to be presented within thirty (30) days; and that the Mayor appoint three Council members to work on the proposal.