Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Site Plan
No. 01PD015 - GLM Subdivision
A request by Richard E. Huffman for Bill Gikling and Ken Lipp to consider an
application for a Planned Light Industrial Development - Initial and Final
Development Plan on Lots 10A, 10B and 10C of GLM Subdivision, Section 28,
T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally
described as being located at 3110 Eglin Street.
Planning Commission recommended that the Planned Light Industrial Development -
Initial and Final Development Plan be approved with the following stipulations:
Engineering Division Recommendations:
That all stipulations of Plat 01PL025 shall be met;
Building Inspection Division Recommendations:
Prior to City Council approval, the applicant shall provided fire walls for those building located on proposed Lots 10A and 10B as per the Uniform Building Code or surety shall be posted for the construction of these improvements;
Signs shall be allowed as per Section 15.28 of the Rapid City Municipal Code; however, no off-premise signs shall be allowed;
Urban Planning Division Recommendations:
All provisions of the Section 17.50.300 of the Rapid City Municipal Code regarding landscape shall be continually met;
All provisions of the Section 17.50.270 of the Rapid City Municipal Code regarding parking shall be continually met;
All uses as identified in Section 17.22.020 of the Rapid City Municipal Code shall be allowed;
All uses as identified in Section 17.22.030 of the Rapid City Municipal Code shall require a Major Amendment to the Planned Light Industrial Development;
A fourteen foot setback shall be allowed along the north property line and an eight foot setback shall be allowed on the south property line for the existing building located on Lot 10B;
A seventeen foot setback shall be allowed along the north property line for the existing building located on Lot 10A; and,
Any expansion of any of the building will require a Major Amendment to the Planned Light Industrial Development.
Vote: (9 to 0)