Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Plat
No. 01PL014 - Valley Ridge Subdivision - Phase V
A request by Dream Design International to consider an application for a Preliminary
and Final Plat on Lots 9-11, Block 4; Lots 1-3 and Lots 8-17, Block 6; and
dedicated streets, Valleyridge Subdivision - Phase V, located in the NE1/4 SE1/4
of Section 3, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally
described as being located at the northern terminus of Pennington and Haakon
Staff recommends that the Preliminary and Final Plat be continued to the May 7, 2001 City Council meeting as the stipulations of approval have not been met.
Planning Commission recommended that the Preliminary and Final Plat be approved
with the following stipulations:
Engineering Division Recommendation:
Prior to Planning Commission approval of the Preliminary Plat, road construction plans shall be submitted for review and approval. The road construction plans shall identify a temporary turn around located at the end of Haakon Street;
County Highway Department Recommendation:
Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, the detention pond known as Detention Cell #103 located north of the property shall be completed;
Pennington County Fire Coordinator Recommendation:
Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code;
Urban Planning Division Recommendations:
Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, a subdivision estimate form shall be submitted and all subdivision inspection fees shall be paid; and,
Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, surety for any required subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall be posted.
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