Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Site Plan No. 00PL081 - The Meadows Subdivision
An application by Dream Design for Legacy Land Development was considered for a Final Plat on Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 and Lots 18 thru 24, Block 6 and Lot 2, Block 7 of The Meadows Subdivision, located in a portion of Section 18, T1N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located west of the intersection of Field View Drive and Derby Lane.Staff recommends that the Final Plat be continued to the February 19, 2001 City Council meeting to allow the petitioner to meet the conditions of approval.
Planning Commission recommended that the Preliminary and Final Plat be approved with the following stipulations:Engineering Division Recommendations:
Prior to Planning Commission approval of the Preliminary Plat, a grading plan, an erosion control plan and a revegetation plan shall be submitted for review and approval;
Prior to Planning Commission approval of the Preliminary Plat, a geotechnical evaluation of soils shall be submitted for review and approval to determine pavement design;
Prior to Planning Commission approval of the Preliminary Plat, a drainage plan in compliance with the South Robbinsdale Drainage Basin Design Plans shall be submitted for review and approval;
Prior to City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat, all necessary changes shall be made to the Engineering plans as identified on the red lined drawings;
Emergency Services Communication Center Recommendations:
Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, the plat shall be revised to show "Preakness Court" as "Preakness Street";
Register-of-Deed’s Office Recommendation:
Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the plat shall be revised to show the lots in Block 6 starting with the number 7 and the lot in Block 7 to be shown as Lot 1;
Urban Planning Division Recommendations:
Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, that portion of the subject property currently zoned General Agriculture District shall be rezoned to Low Density Residential District or a lot size variance shall be obtained; or the plat shall be revised to eliminate that portion of the subject property currently zoned General Agriculture District;
Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, the plat shall be revised to include all property owners;
Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, a subdivision estimate form shall be submitted and all subdivision inspection fees paid; and,
Prior to Final Plat approval by the City Council, surety for any subdivision improvements that have not been completed shall be posted.
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