Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Site Plan

No. 00PL107 - Windmere Subdivision

A request by Windmere, LLC to consider an application for a Preliminary and Final Plat on the Revised Park Lot and East 53rd Street R.O.W., Windmere Subdivision, formerly a portion of Park Lot Windmere Subdivision and a portion of the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 10, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located north of Weathervane Lane extending east and west between Meadow Lane and East 53rd Street.


Planning Commission recommended that the Preliminary and Final Plat be approved with the following stipulations:

Engineering Division Recommendation:

  1. Prior to City Council approval of the Final Plat, the plat shall be revised to read "East Line of the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 10"; and,

  2. All disturbed soil on the Park Lot shall be revegetated as identified on the previously approved erosion control plan.

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