Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Site Plan M E M O R A N D U M
To: Rapid City City Council
From: Rapid City Planning Commission
No. 00PD036 - Section 26, T1N, R7E
An application by Centerline for Jan Gray to consider a request for a Planned Development Designation on property described by metes and bounds beginning at the northwest corner of Section 26, T1N, R7E, B.H.M., thence due east, 968.07 feet to point No. 24, the true point of beginning, thence N89 59’44.6"E, 850.00’ to point No. 100, thence S13 33’40.9"W, 681.81 feet to point No. 11, thence S89 57’58.5"W, 776.20 feet to point No. 16, thence N7 23’42"E, 668.76 feet to point No. 24, the true point of beginning, this parcel contains 12.3749 acres, more or less, more generally described as being located on the east side of U.S. Highway 16, north of the Waterslide.PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION:
Planning Commission recommended approval of the Planned Development Designation contingent upon the approval of the associated rezoning and with the following stipulations:Urban Planning Division Recommendation:
1. That no permits for any off premise signs shall be issued for the property until such time as an Initial and Final Development Plan has been approved for the property.
Vote: Unanimous (9 to 0)