Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Site Plan


To: Rapid City City Council

From: Rapid City Planning Commission

No. 00PD026 - South Boulevard Addition

An application by Dream Design for Century Resources, Inc. was considered for a Major Amendment to a Planned Commercial Development to change the building footprint and parking on Lot 2 and the East 236.12 feet of Lot B Revised of Block 14 and 15 of South Boulevard Addition, Section 12, T1N, R7E, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at the intersection of Saint Anne Street, Sixth Street, and Flormann Street.



Planning Commission recommended that the Major Amendment to a Planned Commercial Development to change the building footprint and parking be approved with the following stipulations:

Engineering Division Recommendation:

1. Prior to City Council approval, a revised site plan shall be submitted delineating the relocation of the western approach on St. Anne Street approximately 100 feet to the east to maintain a minimum distance from an existing approach located 85 feet east of the west lot line of the property along St. Anne Street;

Fire Department Recommendations:

2. Prior to City Council approval, a revised site plan shall be submitted identifying a fire hydrant located at the southwest corner of the proposed medical facility structure as identified on the previously approved Planned Commercial Development;

3. Prior to City Council approval, a revised site plan shall be submitted identifying the post indicator valve relocated out of Flormann Street as identified on the previously approved Planned Commercial Development or a wall post indicator valve shall be provided;

Urban Planning Division Recommendations:

4. All of the stipulations of approval of the previously approved Planned Commercial Development, #00PD007, must be met with the exception of condition #17;

5. A minimum of 236 parking spaces shall be provided within the area identified in the Planned Commercial Development. Prior to City Council approval, a parking agreement shall be submitted for review and approval to allow 36 parking spaces located adjacent to the proposed bank to serve as parking for the proposed medical facility. An additional 42 parking spaces shall be provided for the existing and proposed structures located on the balance of the property for a total of 314 parking spaces. Eight of the spaces shall be handicap accessible with one of the handicap spaces being van accessible. All provisions of the Off-Street Parking Ordinance shall be continually met; and,

6. Prior to City Council approval, a revised landscaping plan shall be submitted showing a maximum of one (1) snow crab tree located in the middle of each of the parking islands. A minimum of 117,280 landscaping points shall be provided. The landscaping plan shall comply with all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. A minimum of six (6) honey locust trees shall be planted along the east lot line to serve as a buffer to the residential land uses located to the east and south. The honey locust trees shall have a minimum 15 foot planting height. All landscaping shall be continually maintained in a live vegetative state and replaced as necessary.

Vote: (8 to 0)


Planning Staff recommends that the Major Amendment to the Planned Commercial Development be continued to the July 24, 2000 City Council meeting as the applicant has not met the stipulations.