Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Public Comment Site Plan M E M O R A N D U M
Rapid City City CouncilFrom: Rapid City Planning Commission
No. 00PD024 - Kashmir Subdivision
An application by Don Wrede for Canyon Lake Chophouse was considered for a Major Amendment to a Planned Commercial Development to allow outdoor seating on Lots D, E, F, G and K of Kashmir Subdivision located in the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 8, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 2720 Chapel Lane - Canyon Lake Chophouse.
:Planning Commission recommended that the Major Amendment to a Planned Commercial Development to allow outdoor seating be approved with the following stipulations:
Rapid City Planning Department Recommendations:
1. A maximum of 1,450 square feet of outdoor seating area shall be used. Prior to City Council, the applicant shall provide a site plan identifying the area that will be used for outdoor seating;
2. The four (4) parking spaces located along the alley shall be designated for employees only and the parking leased from the laundromat shall be for employees only; and,
3. The outdoor seating area shall be closed by 10:00 p.m.
Vote: (6 to 1)