ADA Compliance: The City of Rapid City fully subscribes to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations, please notify the City Attorney's Office 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available.

Please remember to turn all cellular phones off or to vibrate when entering the council chambers.

City of Rapid City, South Dakota
12:30 P.M., Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Roll Call and Determination of Quorum


Adoption of the Agenda  


General Public Comment

A time for members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Committee on any issue, not limited to items on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Aldermen present.  



CONSENT ITEMS -- Items 1 – 28

Public Comment opened – Items 1 – 28

Public Comment closed


Remove Items from the “Consent Items” and Vote on Remaining Consent Items


Approve Minutes


1)         Approve Minutes of June 30, 2015. 




      Approve Change Order


2)         PW071415-01 – Change Order #1F to Hills Materials Company for Hyland Drive Water Main Loop and Sanitary Sewer Extension, Project No.14-2140 / CIP No. 50823, for a decrease of $23,279.06.


3)         PW071415-02 – Change Order #1F to Knife River for Pavement Rehabilitation Project – Enchantment Road, Project No. 15-2242 / CIP No. 50549, for an increase of $42,066.47.


4)         PW071415-03 – Change Order #1F to Mainline Contracting for Robbinsdale Area Utility & Street Reconstruction – E St Charles Street, Project No. 13-2088 / CIP No. 50389.4-2, for a decrease of $47,261.84.


5)         PW071415-04 – Change Order #4 to SECO Construction for the Rapid City Utility Maintenance Facility, Project No. 13-2120, for an increase of $50,785.19.


6)         PW071415-05 – Change Order #2 to Zandstra Construction Inc. for Rapid City Landfill Cells 13 & 14 Closure, Project No. 13-2146, for an increase of $23,840.00.


7)         PW071415-06 – Change Order # 1F to Hills Materials Company for Pavement Rehabilitation Project – 1st and 2nd Street, Project No. 14-2204 / CIP No. 50844, for an increase of $7,284.28.


8)         PW071415-07 – Change Order #2 to Stanley J Johnsen Concrete Contractor for Seger Drive Reconstruction – Dyess Ave to 143rd Ave., Project No. 13-2086 / CIP No. 50277.1-3, for an increase of $21,147.82.


9)         PW071415-08 – Change Order #1 to Knife River for Miscellaneous Improvements Project, Project No. 14-2142 / CIP No. 50298, for an increase of $16,151.25.


10)      PW071415-09 – Change Order #1 to Simon Contractors of SD Inc. for Pavement Rehabilitation Project – Bogey Ct, Byrum Ct and Winged Foot Ct, Project No.14-2183 / CIP No. 50844, for an increase of $27,886.90.


      Authorize Staff To Advertise For Bids


11)      PW071415-10 – 2015 ADA Compliance Project, Project No. 15-2275 / CIP No. 50761. Estimated Cost: $100,000.00.


12)      PW071415-11 – MRF Roof Replacement, Project No. SW003-2015. Estimated Cost: $90,000.00.


      Authorize Mayor And Finance Officer To Sign


13)      PW063015-17 – Water Service Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Red Rocks Golf Club, LLC.  (Continued from the July 6, 2015, City Council meeting) 


14)      PW071415-12 – Funding Participation Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Rushmore Hockey Association for $200,000.00.


15)      PW071415-13 – Covenant Agreement and Release of Liability between the City of Rapid City and the Church of the Blessed Sacrament of Rapid City.


16)      PW071415-14 – Amendment No. 1 to Agreement between the City of Rapid City and HDR Engineering Inc for Professional Services for 5th Street and Catron Blvd. Traffic Signal Modifications, Project No. 13-2143 / CIP No. 51020, in the amount of $3,450.00.


 17)      PW071415-15 – Amendment to Agreement Concerning Voluntary Annexation and Transfer of Water System Between Countryside Homeowners Association, Inc. and City of Rapid City.


18)      PW071415-16 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and FMG Inc. for Canyon Lake Bathymetric Survey, Project No. 15-2273 / CIP No. 51091.1, in the amount of $24,000.00.


19)      PW071415-17 – Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for E. Idaho St., E. Nevada St., Ivy Ave. Street and Utility Reconstruction and Meade/Hawthorne Drainage Element 221 Improvements Project 15-2253 and Willow Ave., Ivy Ave, E. Fairlane Dr. Street and Utility Reconstruction Project 15-2254 in the amount of $725,134.50.


      Solid Waste Division


20)      PW063015-18 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Two Skid Loaders.  Estimated Cost:  $105,000.00.  (Continued from the July 6, 2015, City Council meeting)


21)      PW063015-19 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for One End Loader.  Estimated Cost:  $280,000.00.  (Continued from the July 6, 2015, City Council meeting)


22)      PW063015-20 – Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for One End Loader.  Estimated Cost:  $280,000.00.  (Continued from the July 6, 2015, City Council meeting)




23)      15VR004 – Blakes Addition - Approve a request by KLJ for City of Rapid City for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for that portion of the easterly 37 feet of East Boulevard North right-of-way adjacent to Lots 10 through 19 of Block 7, of Blakes Addition, located in the SE1/4 of Section 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located in the right-lf-way of East Boulevard North between East New York Street and East Philadelphia Street.


24)      15VR005 – Blakes Addition No. 2 - Approve a request by KLJ for City of Rapid City for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for that portion of the easterly 37 feet of East Boulevard North right-of-way adjacent to Lots 13 through 17 of Block 17, of Blakes Addition No. 2, located in the SE1/4 of Section 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located East Boulevard North between East Chicago Street and East New York Street.


25)      15VR006 – Blakes Addition No.2 - Approve a request by KLJ for City of Rapid City for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for that portion of the easterly 33 feet of East Boulevard North right-of-way abutting Track A of Lot 17, of Blakes Addition No. 2, located in 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located East Boulevard North between East Chicago Street and East New York Street.


26)      15VR007 – Blakes Addition No.2 - Approve a request by KLJ for City of Rapid City for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for that portion of the easterly 55 feet of East Boulevard North right-of-way abutting Lots 16 thru 18 of Block 18, of Blakes Addition No. 2, located in 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located East Boulevard North between East St. Louis Street and East Chicago Street.


27)      15VR008 – Blakes Addition No.2 - Approve a request by KLJ for City of Rapid City for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for that portion of the easterly 55 feet of East Boulevard North right-of-way abutting 19 thru 20 of Block 18, of Blakes Addition No. 2, located in 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located East Boulevard North between East Chicago Street and East New York Street.


28)      15VR009 – Blakes Addition No.2 - Approve a request by KLJ for City of Rapid City for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for that portion of the easterly 55 feet of East Boulevard North right-of-way abutting Lots 21 thru 25 of Block 18, of Blakes Addition No. 2, located in 36, T2N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located East Boulevard North between East St. Louis Street and East Chicago Street.




NON-CONSENT ITEMS Items 29 – 32          

Public Comment opened – Items 29 – 32           

Public Comment closed




29)      PW063015-22 – Standing Committee on Sustainability Annual Report – Eirik Heikes, Chairman.  (Continued from the June 30, 2015, Public Works Committee meeting)




30)      15VR010 – Denmans Addition - A request by FMG, Inc for South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Foundation to consider an application for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for a parcel of land located in the NE1/4 of Section 1, T1N, R7E, BHM and in the NW1/4 of Section 6, T1N, R8E, BHM; Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota. Commencing at a 5/8" rebar marking the southwestern corner of Block 4 of Denman's Addition, Thence on a line bearing N12°40'55'E a distance of 139.72' to a point of beginning, Thence on a line bearing N12°40'55'E a distance of 20.20' to a point; Thence on a line bearing S72°46'40'E a distance of 258.81 to a point; Thence on a line bearing S12°45'43'W a distance of 20.0' to a point; Thence on a line bearing N72°46'37'W a distance of 258.78 to the point of beginning, more generally described as being located between E. St. Joseph Street and E. Kansas City Street between Maple Avenue and Elm Avenue.




31)      PW071415-18 – Cemetery Headstone Repair Project Update.


32)      PW071415-19 – Bike Path Repair Update.