Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 6/25/2015

Planning Commission: 6/25/2015

Staff Contact: Fletcher Lacock, Current Planner II

PW Committee or L&F Committee: N/A

Petitioner: FMG, Inc for School of Mines and Technology Foundation

City Council 1st Reading: N/A

Location: south of Saint Joseph Street, east of Maple Avenue, north of Kansas City Street

City Council 2nd Reading: N/A

Agenda Title:

15PD016 - Initial Planned Development to allow for a student residence building


The applicant has submitted an Initial Planned Development Overlay to allow a student residence building to be utilized by the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology (SDSMT).  In particular, the applicant is proposing to construct a six story building with 125 sleeping rooms for a total of 202 beds.  The applicant has indicated that a second phase is planned for the future.  An existing duplex will be demolished to construct additional parking and an existing six unit apartment building and a duplex located on the southeast side of the property will remain in use until Phase II is submitted for review.  The applicant is requesting the following Exceptions: an Exception to reduce the minimum required parking from 164 parking spaces to 155 parking spaces, an Exception to allow landscaped boulevards in lieu of landscaped parking islands, an Exception to allow 24 foot wide parking aisles in lieu of 26 feet, an Exception to reduce the front yard setback that abuts Saint Joseph Street from 35 feet to 10 feet, and an Exception to reduce the minimum required front yard setback that abuts Maple Avenue from 35 feet to 18 feet.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Action: Approve with Stipulations

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Attachments & Links:

Project Report

Legal Description

Letter of Intent


Site Plan

Landscaping Plan


Floor Plan

Layout Plan