Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 1/9/2014

Planning Commission: 1/9/2014; 2/6/2014

Staff Contact: Kip Harrington, Long Range Planner III

PW Committee or L&F Committee: N/A

Petitioner: Dream Design International, Inc

City Council 1st Reading: 1/21/2014

Location: Approximately 2,500 east of the intersection of Dunsmore Road and Sheridan Lake Road

City Council 2nd Reading: N/A

Agenda Title:

13CA017 - Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to revise the Major Street Plan to realign a proposed principal arterial street and a proposed collector street.


The applicant has submitted a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Major Street Plan to realign a proposed principal arterial street and a proposed collector street. Realignment of a Proposed Principal Arterial Street: The Major Street Plan identifies a proposed principal arterial street extending north from Moon Meadows Road to Sheridan Lake Road. The proposed realignment shifts the proposed principal arterial street to the east a distance ranging from approximately 220 feet to approximately 580 feet. Realignment of a Proposed Collector Street: The Major Street Plan identifies a proposed collector street extending north from the intersection of the proposed principal arterial street and Sheridan Lake Road to Portrush Road and then continuing to the north. The proposed realignment shifts the proposed collector street to the east a distance of approximately 220 feet before returning to the previous proposed alignment further to the north.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Action: Approve

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Attachments & Links:

Staff Report

Legal Description


Zoning Map

Aerial Map