Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 11/21/2013

Planning Commission: 11/7/2013; 11/21/2013

Staff Contact: Fletcher Lacock, Current Planner II

PW Committee or L&F Committee: N/A

Petitioner: FMG Inc for Northwestern Engineering Company

City Council 1st Reading: N/A

Location: South of East Anamosa Street and north of the railroad tracks

City Council 2nd Reading: N/A

Agenda Title:

13PD036 - Final Planned Development Overlay to allow for the expansion of an existing mobile home park.


The applicant has submitted a Final Planned Development to allow for the expansion of an existing mobile home park.  In particular, the applicant is proposing a three phase addition to the Meadowlark Mobile Home Estates.  Phase I is a 15 unit expansion and is expected to be completed by 2014.  Phase II is for 17 units and will be completed within 5 years.  On October 24, 2013, the Planning Commission approved an Initial Planned Development Overlay (File #13PD037) for Phase III to allow for an additional 17 units.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Action: Continue to the December 5, 2013 Planning Commission meeting.

Notes: Continued from the November 7, 2013 Planning Commission meeting.



Attachments & Links:

Staff Report

Legal Description

Zoning Map

Aerial Photograph

Letter of Intent


Proposed Site Plan