City of Rapid City, South Dakota
6:30 P.M., Tuesday, February 16, 2016
INVOCATION (You are welcome to participate, but not required)
1. Veteran of the Month, Vernon Robertson, Ward 5
2. Presentation of a gift to Mayor Allender from the Nikko City Sister City Association
GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (3-minute time limit per speaker)
A time for the members of the public to discuss or express concerns to the Council on any issue not on the agenda. Action will not be taken at the meeting on any issue not on the agenda, except by placement on the agenda by unanimous vote of the Council members present.
Open Public Comment Items 3-14 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
Remove Items from the Consent Items and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Approve Minutes
3. Approve Minutes for the February 1, 2016 Regular Council meeting.
Vacations of Right-Of-Way Set for Hearing (NONE)
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications Set for Hearing (NONE)
Public Works Committee Consent Items (NONE)
Legal & Finance Committee Consent Items
4. No. LF021016-01 Approve Kirk Funeral Home Request for Free Parking for Senior Movies.
5. No. LF021016-02 Authorize Staff to Purchase Furnishings for Patrol Work Area.
6. No. LF021016-03 Authorize Staff to Apply for and Accept if Awarded a Grant from the South Dakota Department of Health for Special Pathogen Training.
7. No. LF021016-04 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Service Agreement with Philips Healthcare Solutions to Provide Performance Assurance and Bench Repair on 13 Cardiac Monitors.
8. No. LF021016-06 Resolution No. 2016-007A Fixing Time and Place for Hearing on Assessment Roll for Cleanup of Miscellaneous Property.
9. No. LF021016-14 Authorize Mayor and Chief of Police to Sign the 2016 Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement.
10. Acknowledge the Following Volunteers for Worker's Compensation Purposes: Patrick Daniel Flanigan, Christine Howell, Louis Fillmon.
11. No. LF021016-07 Approve Request for Property Tax Abatements as Follows: Claudette M. Bailey, 2015, $371.86; South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, 2015, $762.92; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $17.30; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $690.26; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $1087.60; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $268.94; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $169.84; City of Rapid City, 2015, $1451.64; Catholic Social Services, 2015, $14,198.06; Catholic Social Services, 2015, $698.30; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $284.68; Mary Jane Shape, 2015, $458.12; Chapel Lane Water Company, 2015, $1,885.38; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $8.66; Maxine L. Smith, 2015, $304.32; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $273.18; City of Rapid City, 2015, $7.08; South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, 2015, $1,380.54; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $231.50; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $268.94; Lisa A. Doyle, 2015, $333.42; South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2015, $341.26.
12. No. LF021016-09 Approve Resolution No. 2016-013 to Amend the City of Rapid City Compensation Plan by Reclassifying the Position of Accounts Payable Coordinator Within the Finance Department.
13. No. LF021016-10 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Revocable No-Build Easement for the Dahl Art Center at 713 7th Street.
CIP Committee Consent Items
Compass Committee Consent Items
Community Planning & Development Services Department Consent Items
Bid Award Consent Items
14. No. CC021616-02.1 - Approve award of Total Bid for Pavement Rehabilitation Project - 5th and Saint Joseph Street Intersection, Project No. 15-2282 / CIP No. 50445 opened on February 9, 2016 to the lowest responsible bidder, Tru-Form Construction, Inc., in the amount of $227,408.50
Continued Consent Items (NONE)
Open Public Comment Items 15-40 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
Close Public Comment
15. No. LF012716-13 Second Reading, Ordinance No. 6091, An Ordinance Repealing Chapter 1.08 of the Rapid City Municipal Code Relating to Wards and Precincts and Adopting a New Revised Chapter 1.08 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
16. No. LF021016-11 First Reading, Ordinance No. 6092, An Ordinance to Update the Snow Removal Procedure in the City of Rapid City by Amending Chapter 10.48 of the Rapid City Municipal Code.
Recommendation: Approve
17. No. LF021016-12 First Reading, Ordinance No. 6094, Supplemental Appropriation No. 1 for 2016.
Recommendation: Approve (3-1)
18. No. 15RZ023 - First Reading, Ordinance 6089, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, Rezoning the within Described Property as requested by Renner and Associates, LLC for a Rezoning from General Agricultural District to Heavy Industrial District for property generally described as being located south of Elgin between East North Street and N. Elk Vale Rd.
Recommendation: Deny
19. No. 16RZ001 - First Reading, Ordinance 6093, An Ordinance Amending Section 17.06 of Chapter 17 of the Rapid City Municipal Code, Rezoning the within Described Property as requested by Renner Associates, LLC for Youth and Family Services Inc. for a Rezoning from Neighborhood Commercial District to Office Commercial District for property generally described as being located at 720 N. Maple Avenue.
Recommendation: Approve
Public Works Committee Items (Due to no quorum at the 2/9/16 Legal & Finance meeting, Items 20-34 have been forwarded without recommendation)
20. No. PW020916-01 Approve Change Order No. 1F to Site Work Specialists for Wildwood Drive Reconstruction Project, Project No. 13-2118 / CIP No. 50453 for a decrease of $123,725.28.
21. No. PW020916-02 Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Sports Complex Lighting Electrical, Project No. 16-2321 / CIP No. 51110. Estimated Cost: $350,000.00.
22. No. PW020916-03 Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for West Memorial Park Parking Lot Rehabilitation, Project No. 15-2312 / CIP No. 51107. Estimated Cost: $200,000.00.
23. No. PW020916-04 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Covenant Agreement Between Black Hills Power, Inc., and the City of Rapid City Regarding the Installation and Maintenance of Decorative Street Lights Along Energy Park Drive.
24. No. PW020916-05 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Agreement between the City of Rapid City and American Engineering and Testing Inc. for Sampling, Analysis, and Reporting Related to 2016 Environmental Monitoring for the Rapid City Municipal Landfill in the amount of $90,838.98.
25. No. PW020916-06 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Upper Deck Architects for Professional Services for Street Maintenance Administrative Improvements, Project No. 16-2320 / CIP No. 51109, in the amount of $46,500.00.
26. No. PW020916-07 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Amendment No. 2 to HDR for 5th St. & Catron Blvd. Traffic Signal Modifications Project No. 13-2143 / CIP No. 51020, in the amount of $63,215.00.
27. No. PW020916-08 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2016-014 a Construction Fee Resolution for Mall Drive Utilities Sanitary Sewer Extension Oversize, Project No. ST08-1753.
28. No. PW020916-09 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Resolution No. 2016-015 a Construction Fee Resolution for Mall Drive Utilities Sanitary Sewer Extension Frontage, Project No. ST08-1753.
29. No. PW020916-15 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Amendment to the Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement with Prairie Acres LLC.
30. No. PW020916-10 Authorize staff to purchase a 2016 Morbark D86 Track Stump Grinder from Morbark under NJPA Contract No. 042815-MBI, in the amount of $55,822.03.
31. No. PW020916-11 Authorize staff to purchase a Landscape Structures Venti play structure for Horace Mann Park from Dakota Fence at a cost of $48,800 using NCPA Coop Pricing.
32. No. PW020916-12 Authorize staff to purchase two (2) 12-passenger 1 Ton Chevrolet Express 3500 Vans from Billion Auto from State Contract No. 16866 in the amount of $28,171 each.
33. No. PW020916-13 Approve Transfer of Property Jointly Owned with Pennington County to Sole City Ownership and Authorize Staff to Accept and Record Deed(s).
34. No. PW020916-14 Request from William Koser BTK Land, LLC for a Variance to Waive the Requirement to Install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 Along Deadwood Avenue and Lien Street for the property located at 2850 Lien Street Lot A of Michael Subdivision, Section 34, T2N, R7E, Rapid City.
Legal & Finance Committee Items
35. No. LF021016-08 Approve Resolution No. 2016-006 to Amend the City of Rapid City Non-Union Compensation Plan by Establishing the New Position of Library Makerspace Manager at the Library.
Recommendation: Approve (3-2)
36. No. LF021016-15 Authorize Mayor and Finance Officer to Sign Professional Services Agreement Allowing Implementation of Priority Based Budgeting for the 2017 City Budget.
Recommendation: Forward without recommendation
CIP Committee Items
Compass Committee Items
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items
37. No. 15PL116 - A request by Dream Design International, Inc. for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 4A, 5, 6 and 7 of Block 1 and Lot A, B C and D of Block 2 of Gateway Business Park Subdivision, generally described as being located south of the intersection of East Mall Drive and Outfitter Road.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
38. No. 16PL001 - A request by Sperlich Consulting, Inc for Villaggio LLC for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Lots 1 through 9 of Block 1 and Lots 1 through 5 of Block 2 of the Villas at Villaggio, generally described as being located north of the intersection of Catron Boulevard and Vineyard Lane.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
39. No. 16PL003 - A request by DOECK, LLC for Sperlich Consulting, Inc. for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for proposed Outlot 1 of Auburn Hills Subdivision, generally described as being located lying north of Haines Avenue and Cobalt Drive intersection Haines Avenue and Cobalt Drive.
Recommendation: Approve with Stipulations
Other Board, Commission & Committee Items
Bid Awards
Alcoholic Beverage License Applications
Special Event
Mayor's Items
Council Items & Liaison Reports
40. Review investigative report on alleged violation of Rapid City Code of Conduct for Elected Officials. (Review and discussion of the investigative report may take place in executive session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(1), but no action will be taken in executive session.)
Staff Items
Planning Commission Appeals
License Appeals
Other Appeals Heard by the Council
Open Public Hearing (comment) Items 41-46 (3-minute time limit per speaker)
[Public Hearing Remains Open]
Close Public Hearing (comment) Items 41-46
Remove Items from the Consent Public Hearing Items and Vote on Remaining Consent Items
Community Planning & Development Services Department Items
41. No. 15VR013 - A request by FMG Engineering for MK Land LLC, Mark McKie for a Vacation of Right-of-Way for property generally described as being located at 7 Omaha Street.
Alcohol Licenses
42. Youth and Family Services, Inc. for a SPECIAL EVENT Malt Beverage and Wine License for Events scheduled for February 19, 2016 and February 20, 2016 at Youth and Family Services, Inc., 120 E. Adams Street
43. Main Street Square for a SPECIAL EVENT Malt Beverage and Wine License for Events scheduled for June 11, 2016 and August 21, 2016 at Main Street Square, 526 Main Street
44. LC Beer LLC DBA Lost Cabin Beer Co., 1401 W Omaha Street, Suite 3 for a Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage License
45. Working Against Violence Inc. for a SPECIAL EVENT Malt Beverage and Wine License for Events scheduled for February 25, 2016 and February 26, 2016 at Barefoot Dance Studio, 412 5th Street
Assessment Rolls
46. No. LF021016-05 - Resolution No. 2016-001B Levying Assessment for Cleanup of Miscellaneous Property
Other Items Requiring Public Hearings
47. No. CC021616-01 Bill List for February 16, 2016