Agenda Item Summary


Public Works Committee Meeting Date:  6/9/2015

City Council Meeting Date:  6/15/2015

Staff Contact: Ted Johnson

Petitioner:   Dream Design International, Inc.

Location:  Unplatted Balance of S½ SE½ NW¼, Unplatted Balance of NE¼ SW¼   S26, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington Co., SD.  Proposed Buffalo Crossing Development located southeast of the intersection of Highway 16 and Catron Blvd.

Agenda Title:

Approve Request from Dream Design International, Inc. for a Variance to Waive the requirement to install Sidewalk per Ordinance 12.08.060 along Catron Boulevard for the proposed Buffalo Crossing Development.


A request was received from Dream Design International, Inc. to waive the requirement to install sidewalk, as required by City Ordinance 12.08.060, along Catron Boulevard as it abuts the Applicant’s proposed Buffalo Crossing Development.  Per Ordinance, a minimum 5’ wide property line sidewalk is required to be installed within the Catron Boulevard right-of-way adjacent to the proposed development.  Catron Boulevard was recently reconstructed by the SDDOT, and there are no sidewalks along Catron Boulevard or Highway 16 in this area.  The SDDOT concurs with the Applicant’s request to not install sidewalk along Catron Boulevard at this time. 

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Cost Center



Cost Center





















Not Budgeted


Action:  Approve request to not install sidewalk along Catron Boulevard as it abuts the proposed Buffalo Crossing Development.


City Council Options:

1.    Approve request for waiver to not install sidewalk along Catron Boulevard.

2.    Deny request and require that sidewalk be installed in accordance with Ordinance 12.08.060.

Attachments & Links:

Variance Request

Master Plan

Project Overview




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