Agenda Item Summary


Public Works Committee Meeting Date: 4/1/2014

City Council Meeting Date: 4/7/2014

Staff Contact: Joel Landeen, Terry Wolterstorff

Petitioner: N/A

Location: Big Sky Subdivision


Agenda Title:

 Seek Authorization to Proceed with Repairs to Public Infrastructure Within Big Sky Subdivision.


Staff is proposing a plan to fix the public infrastructure (primarily the streets) in Big Sky Subdivision. As the Council is aware, we are currently in litigation to have the streets repaired. This case is ongoing, but has taken longer to resolve than we hoped when the lawsuit was filed. The case has already been appealed to the South Dakota Supreme Court once and a final is still several years away at best. Rather than continue to wait for the litigation to end to address the obvious defects in the public infrastructure for this subdivision, Public Works has identified the work that it believes needs to be done and has developed a cost estimate for the proposed work. If the Council supports doing the work that is proposed, staff will seek approval to fund the projects out of the Utility Support Fund and/or CIP. One of the impediments to getting the repairs accomplished is the fact that many of the streets in need of repair are located outside the City limits. To avoid issues with expending tax payer funds outside the City, staff will set up neighborhood meetings and ask that those property owners on streets located outside the City agree to voluntary annexation in exchange for the streets being repaired. Those who annex will be included in the project and those who do not will be excluded.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

The project is estimated to cost $1,110,000.00.


Action: Choose an item. Direct staff to proceed with repairing public infrastructure in Big Sky Subdivision

Notes: Click here to enter text.If you direct staff to proceed, staff will identify and seek approval for funding and start meeting with the neighborhood to seek annexation of the areas in need of repair which are located outside the City. Once the funding is in place and the annexations are completed, the City will proceed with construction of the project.


1. Move forward with project and repair the streets; 2) Delay the project and wait for the lawsuit to resolve before proceeding with repairs.

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