No. 11FV008 - Nowlin and Wood Addition

A request by Timothy L. Clarke to consider an application for a Fence Height Exception to allow a six foot fence in lieu of a four foot fence in the front yard setback for Lots 38 and 39 of Block 35 of Nowlin & Wood Replat located in Section 31, T2N, R8E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at 532 E. Van Buren Street.

Public Works Committee recommended that the Fence Height Exception to allow a six foot fence in lieu of a four foot fence in the front yard setback be approved with the following stipulation:


The proposed fence shall be 6 feet in height and consist of wood construction similar to existing fence on the property. Additionally, the fence shall be located as specified on the submitted site plans.