No. 10OA003 – Ordinance Amendment

A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for an Ordinance Amendment amending the criteria for microcell wireless communications facilities allowed on the top of existing buildings and allowing variances through the Zoning Board of Adjustment by amending Section 17.50.400A of the Rapid City Municipal Code.

The Legal and Finance Committee recommended that the Ordinance Amendment amending the criteria for microcell wireless communications facilities allowed on the top of existing buildings and allowing variances through the Zoning Board of Adjustment by amending Section 17.50.400A of the Rapid City Municipal Code be approved.


Planning Commission recommended that the Ordinance Amendment amending the criteria for microcell wireless communications facilities allowed on the top of existing buildings and allowing variances through the Zoning Board of Adjustment by amending Section 17.50.400A of the Rapid City Municipal Code be approved.

VOTE: (10 to 0 with Braun, Brewer, Christianson, Gregg, Kinniburgh, Landguth, Marchand, Rolinger, Scull and Wyss voting yes and none voting no)