No. 07SV057 - Hyland Crossing Subdivision

A request by Dream Design International, Inc. to consider an application for a Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water, sewer and pavement as per Chapter 16.16 of the Rapid City Municipal Code on Lots 1 thru 12 of Block 1, Lots 1 thru 7 of Block 2, Lots 1 thru 4 of Block 3, Lots 1 thru 15 of Block 4, and Lots 1 thru 31 of Block 5 of Hyland Crossing Subdivision and the Dedicated Right-of-way, located in the W1/2 SE1/4; SE1/4 SE1/4, Section 35, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, legally described as the unplatted W1/2 SE1/4; SE1/4 SE1/4, Section 35, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located at the southern terminus of Dreamscape Drive.

Staff recommends that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations be continued to the January 7, 2008 City Council meeting as the stipulations of approval have not been met and to be heard in conjunction with the associated Preliminary Plat.

Planning Commission recommended that the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install curb, gutter, sidewalk, street light conduit, water, sewer and pavementalong U.S. Highway 16 be denied without prejudice;

That the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install water and sewer along the access easement and Sammis Trail be denied without prejudice; and,

That the Variance to the Subdivision Regulations to waive the requirement to install pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk and street light conduit along the access easement and to waive the requirement to install curb, gutter, sidewalk and street light conduit and to reduce the pavement width from 36 feet to 24 feet along Sammis Trail be denied.

VOTE: (9 to 0 with Anderson, Brewer, Brown, Derby, Etter, Gregg, Landguth, Rolinger and Scull voting yes and none voting no)