No. 07OA004 - Ordinance Amendment

A request by City of Rapid City to consider an application for an Ordinance Amendment to amend Section 17.22.030 of Chapter 17.22 of the Rapid City Municipal Code by revising the lettering of subsection 17.22.030(J) to allow Cellular Communication and radio and television station transmission towers and minor accessory structures as a Conditional Use to Subsection 17.22.030(M).

Legal and Finance Committee recommended that the Ordinance Amendment to amend Section 17.22.030 of Chapter 17.22 of the Rapid City Municipal Code by revising the lettering of subsection 17.22.030(J) to allow Cellular Communication and radio and television station transmission towers and minor accessory structures as a Conditional Use to Subsection 17.22.030(M) be approved.


Planning Commission
recommended that the Ordinance Amendment to amend Section 17.22.030 of Chapter 17.22 of the Rapid City Municipal Code by revising the lettering of subsection 17.22.030(J) to allow Cellular Communication and radio and television station transmission towers and minor accessory structures as a Conditional Use to Subsection 17.22.030(M) be approved.

VOTE: (9 to 0 with Anderson, Brewer, Brown, Collins, Derby, Fast Wolf, Gregg, Hennies and
LeMay voting yes and none voting no)