No. 06CA037 - Skyline Village Subdivision

A request by CETEC Engineering Services, Inc. for Generations, Inc. to consider an application for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the U.S. Highway 16 Area Future Land Use Plan to change the land use designation from Low Density Residential District with a Planned Residential Development to Office Commercial with a Planned Unit Development on the East ½ of the South 495’ of NE¼ SE¼; and the East ½ of the SE¼ SE¼, Unplatted, less Lot 1 of the Bendert Subdivision, Section 22, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more generally described as being located adjacent to Golden Eagle Drive between Catron Boulevard and U.S. Highway 16.

Planning Commission
recommended that the Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by revising the U.S. Highway 16 Area Future Land Use Plan to change the land use designation from Low Density Residential District with a Planned Residential Development to Office Commercial with a Planned Unit Development be approved.

VOTE: (10 to 0 with Anderson, Brewer, Brown, Collins, Derby, Gregg, Hennies, Landguth, LeMay and Waltman voting yes and none voting no)