No. 04RZ027 - Skyline Pines East Subdivision
A request by Wyss Associates, Inc. for Web Real Estate Holdings Company, LLC to consider an application for a Rezoning from Medium Density Residential District to Office Commercial District on property described by metes and bounds as commencing at the SW corner of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 11, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota:  thence travel 597.31 feet at a bearing S89º27'22" East to a point; Thence travel 2.02 feet at a bearing N00º32'38" East the Point of Beginning; travel 504.33 feet at a bearing N 62º30'29" East to a point; thence travel 154.61 feet at a bearing North to a point; thence travel 78.60 feet at a bearing N24º43'12" East to a point; thence travel 117.84 feet at a bearing N07º03'57" West to a point; thence travel 11.61 feet at a bearing N30º35'10" West to a point; thence travel 303.21 feet at a bearing N50º52'56" East to a point; thence travel 129.80 feet at a bearing North to a point; thence travel 424.41 feet at a bearing S45º00'00" East to a point on a curve; thence travel 258.58 feet along a 190.00 foot radius Concave Southeasterly curve with a chord bearing S05º49'05" East to a point; thence travel 61.40 feet at a bearing S44º48'23" East to a point; thence travel 340.35 feet at a bearing S22º02'42” East to a point; thence travel 1192.20 feet at a bearing N89º38'58" West to the Point of Beginning; said area described contains approximately 11.22 acres more or less, more generally described as being located west of the western terminus of Fairmont Boulevard along Tower Road.

Planning Commission recommended that the Rezoning from Medium Density Residential District to Office Commercial District be continued to the June 21, 2004 City Council meeting to allow the applicant to submit an application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment.

VOTE: (6 to 0 with Brown, Henning, Hoffmann, Nash, Prairie Chicken and Schmidt voting yes and none voting no)