Staff Report Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Site Plan

No. 01PD027 - Squirrelly Acres Subdivision
A request by Fisk Land Surveying for Ken Berglund to consider an application for a Planned Residential Development - Initial Development Plan on a tract of land located in the Northeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter (NE1/4 SE1/4) of Section Twenty-Two (22), Township One North (T1N), Range Seven East (R7E) of the Black Hills Meridian (BHM), Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, more fully described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the Southeast One-Quarter of the previously described property, said point being along the easterly line of Section Twenty-Two and coincident with the ¼ Section Line; Thence, westerly along the ¼ Section Line, S 89 degrees, 34 minutes, 29 seconds W, a distance of 33.12 feet; Thence, continuing westerly along the ¼ Section Line, S 89 degrees, 28 minutes, 31 seconds W, a distance of 259.25 feet to the point of beginning; Thence, S 23 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds W, a distance of 432.55 feet; Thence, S 23 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds W, a distance of 100.56 feet; Thence, S 52 degrees, 14 minutes, 07 seconds E, a distance of 41.37 feet; Thence, S 52 degrees, 14 minutes, 07 seconds E, a distance of 214.26 feet; Thence, S 00 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds E, a distance of 187.14 feet; Thence, S 89 degrees, 57 minutes, 28 seconds W, a distance of 1011.07 feet to the 1/16th Section Line; Thence, northerly along said 1/16th Section Line, N 00 degrees, 02 minutes, 18 seconds E, a distance of 234.10 feet; Thence, continuing northerly along said 1/16th Section Line, N 00 degrees, 02 minutes, 18 seconds E, a distance of 548.32 feet; Thence, continuing northerly along said 1/16th Section Line, N 00 degrees, 02 minutes, 18 seconds E, a distance of 43.00 feet to the ¼ Section Line; Thence, easterly along said ¼ Section Line, N 89 degrees, 26 minutes, 06 seconds E, a distance of 621.74 feet; Thence, continuing easterly along said ¼ Section Line, N 89 degrees, 28 minutes, 31 seconds E, a distance of 395.04 feet, to the point of beginning. Said tract of land contains 17.79 acres, more or less, more generally described as being located at 5501 Berglund Road.

Planning Commission recommended that the Planned Residential Development - Initial Development Plan be approved with the following stipulations:

Engineering Division Recommendations:

1.    Prior to City Council approval of the Final Development Plan, the applicant shall sign a maintenance agreement to provide maintenance of the private access easement as required by Section 16.20 of the Subdivision Regulations;

2.    Prior to City Council approval of the Final Development Plan, the road shall be improved to a minimum 20 foot wide graveled roadway or surety shall be posted;

3.    Prior to City Council approval of the Final Development Plan, the site plan shall be revised to show the location of the community well;

4.    Prior to City Council approval of the Final Development Plan, a drainage plan, in accordance with the Arrowhead Drainage Basin Development Plan, shall be submitted for review and approval;

5.    Prior to City Council approval of the Final Development Plan, the Final Plat shall be approved;

Fire Department Recommendation:

6.    Prior to City Council approval of the Final Development Plan, design plans for a turnaround at the end of the cul-de-sac shall be submitted for review and approval. In particular, the cul-de-sac design shall accommodate access for emergency vehicles;

Air Quality Recommendation:

7.    An Air Quality Permit shall be obtained prior to any development work or construction in excess of one acre;

Building Inspection Division Recommendation:

8.    A building permit shall be obtained prior to any additional construction and a Certificate of Occupancy shall be obtained prior to occupancy;

Urban Planning Division Recommendations:

9.    The Planned Residential Development shall allow three residences with accessory structures on the property. Building permits may be issued for additions onto the three residences as approved within the Planned Residential Development when the total construction included in all building permits issued are less than twenty percent of the gross square footage of all structures;

10.    In conjunction with City Council approval of the Final Development Plan, the property shall be rezoned from General Agriculture District to Park Forest District; and,

11.    All provisions of the Park Forest District shall be met unless otherwise authorized.

Vote: (8 to 0)